the academy

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kaiden told dad that he was taking us out for a mini vacay and austin said that he was coming with us..

and the parents agreed..

i was dressed in black.. my hair tied up in aponey and had a tank top inside and a jacket over it and black jeans with knee high boots..

austin and zac came to my house when it was time to leave and we had boked a hotel near the academy ..we reached there and entered the rooms.. i was sharing it with kaiden as he wouldnt allow austin to stay with me .. duh-big brothers..

" fine .. now lets go " he said and we left.

it was like we all were some bimbos .. going to some criminal academy .. without anything to protect us.. only with our arms and legs..

sure we were idiots..we decided that only i kaiden and austin should go in .. and the rest would be in the van .. though kai wasn't allowing me to go in but i inisisted...

"soo this is the academy!" i said when i got off the van we had rented,

" state your purpose here sir .." said the security guard..

"we are here to see david moon.." said austin ..

" very welll" he said letting us go in.. we went in and went straight to the lobby ..

"umm- excuese me miss .. we would like to meet david moon.. " said kai .. the lady pointed his office and we made our way to it. . i opened the door and saw austin's father sitting ther eon his chair..

as i stepped in .. he smiled ...

"my long lost son!!" he said getting up

" how are you?" he asked.. austin did'nt reply.."aww still angry on your daddy?"

"you are not my father !" austin exclaimed..then i sawdavid making his way toards me.."i see you have made friends with kiara's daughter .. nice to finally meet you kody" he said

" dont you take my mother's name with your filthy mouth david" i said

"i see my son finally told you about everything .. " he said touching my chin when kiaden caught his hand and growled at him ." do not tough her "

" ooh how nice to meet you too kaiden taylor.. i see all your family members have inherited kiara's geans.. strong,tough and -anyways .. what brings you here? join your mom?"

" no .. to get them back where they belong.." austin said

"they belong here.. so do you and your mother .. you have this academy's blood running in you ..austin .. join us.."

" over my dead body" he spat at him

"why are you doing this david? keeping them here when they dont want to -"

i was cut off when the door opened and a tall girl with brownish blonde hair wearing all action out fit entered in without looking up from the papers she is holding but speaks

" i will not do this david it is too dang-" she cut herself off when she saw us..

"austin took a sep towards and then both of them stared at each other and then finally austin spoke

" ARLETT?' his voice cracked and and kaiden were shocked..

"austin?" she said as she was in tears..

and then he hugged her and i saw a tear drop escaping his eye ....she was already crying..

"ho-how did you find me? i thought ." austin cut her off " its okay sis .. i am here to get you out " he said as he hugged her again

" hello family ... its nice to look at you too... you know you never used to fight with her.. that was seriously odd.." said david

" we are not your family david. i m not your daughter! and you can't stop us from leaving! " arlett said .. when david just nodded .. 2 guards came in and grabbed austin and kaiden and david said .." now .. you all will be staying here "he said "and if you would like to leave only kody is allowed to do so..." he said

"kody get out ..." kaiden said .. well that hurt

" excuese me? no i am not leaving .. i will not leave without what i want..i am taking mom ,you , arlett and austin with me ...!!"i said

" i shall let arlett go with you " david said

"both of you go kody" austin said

"but onthe second thought .. nah- i changed my all will stay.."david said again

"what? stick with your words man!et the girls go!" kaiden yelled.."this is my academy not yours..dont you dare yell at me!" david said

"let kody leave david she has nothing to do with this and even kaid-" david cut austin off by saying"oh care too much about your girlfriend i see?" he said catching me by my arm..

i slapped it away and he growled in pain.."i like her already.. you both have my blessing.."

" we are far off from dating doofus and we -" austin cut me off by saying the same thing i had in mine " we do not need your curses you address as blessings.."

"that's it .. i will not tolerate more insults.."david said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me towards him and i hit my leg on the foot of the chair and i let out a small painful cry,...

kaiden got out of the guard's grasp and landed a punch on david .. "told you not to touch her!" he said pulling me away from him ... arlett punched the guard who held kai and austin was fighting with the guard who held him .. but then many of them came in and one of them gave a punch on arlett's face..who fell on me and i hit my head on the ground...

that hurt...this girl was HEAVY!!

" i know your jaw hurts but my entire body is aching like hell..please do you mind?"i said smiling..she did too ...god!i had bad habit of smiling ..

we were trapped.."take them to the rooms and they will stay there.." david said..

" let go you big fat hamburger!" i said to the guard who was pulling me towards the room .atleast was trying too" whom do you call a hamburger miss?" he said tightening the hold on my hand.."guys like you ..."i said..

he looked at my brother and asked him " is she always so difficult?"

and that dummy replied.."always"

we were thrown in a room was big but i didnt like it...arlett was with us ..but after 3 minutes..some guards came in and grabbed her ..and when she struggled.. one of them punched her.. austin and kaiden went towards them .. but were got punches and austin yelled" where the hell are you taking her?" but then they slammed the door and i went running towards it and banged .. i got a nose bleed ..

"you little twats!!! let us out .. i swear to god..i know you are scared to fight...let us out !!!" i yelled as i was banging the door..

"ko stop! your hands will fall off!"austin yelled when kaiden grabbed me..

"why did'nt you listen to me when i asked you to go?when will you learn to listen to your elder brother!!" kaiden yelled at me .. he YELLED!!

but then i yelled back" and what leave you all here? leave mom and arlett here? get ken'kyle,zac and krage in danger? leave you all in danger? in THIS prison? i would never do that!!! do you understand me? if you were asked to leave would you ? " after my last sentence both looked down.." answer me!!" i yelled..

" right you wouldn't have dont tell me what to do .. i am your sister .what a jerk!" i said as i sat down on the soft bed.." i am sorry i yelled.." kaiden said as he hugged me 

Not So ClicheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon