monkey king

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" i like this colour.. what do you think abour it?" i ask austin and he nods..

"and this carpet?" he nods to that too

" why am i here shopping with you again?" asutin asked me

" because mike and jimmey .!! I  didnt bother asking as they are busy with wade and liz and clyton are always on a here you are.. well do you think wade will like this wall paper?" i ask him and

" no ..this is the one ... lets go now ..we are done.." he said

we went home and did all the painting and plastering and stuff and then kai and kyle came in and "this is a good choice..wait untill you look at the  bed we got him.. its just like yours." kaiden said ..

we waiteed for the bed delivary and when it arrived ..ken took all the measurements and brought sheets and curtaing to match wit hthe wall paper .. the rest of the closet and tables were rearranged by krage and now his room was done..

"how long ?are we there yet/" wade asked ..i had covered his eyes and we all were taking him to his room ..

"hey !you cant blame that this house is big!welll we are here.. open the door someone!" i say

ken opens the door and i push wade in and he gasped

"this room is just like how i wanted !! how did yo-?" he asked us and krage said

" we have done this to 6 rooms in this house ..i guess i want to become and interior designer .." he said and then we all went to the mall and as usual we were trashing the mall and almost got kicked out ..

Just like how Avril got kicked out in complicated video

these days were the best..

'beep beep beep beep bee--- i took the alaram clock and slammed it on the wall causing it to shatter into pieces...

i just hate alaram clocks!!and yeaa!!! today i had my lovely school!! how wonderful!! not

i dressed up and when i went down ..eggs and toast were waiting for me to eat it... i satat the table with wade kaiden,kyle.ken,and krage,mom was busy cooking and dad was busy reading news paper..

"i m done..see you later!! bye.."i said as i and krage took off in our cars..

i reached school and everyone was like drooling over my car..

" wowwwwww!!! " liz,jimmey and mike said ..

" i know right? " i said

" krage got one too?" she asked

" yes.. so did the other three and wade.." i said

" ooh thzt's cool ... wait wade? who's that?" asked jim

" you remember arlett's the friend guy? yeah well he is sort of adopted by the taylor family because his adoptive family doesent give a crap about him .. and now he is one of the taylor brothers.. " said liz

'' and he also happens to be quite handsome.." she continued when clyton came there and asked " who can be possibly be more handsome than me? " he asked

" uuh --duh me" said austin ..

" well you all are wrong .. zac effron is the definition of handsome ..and austin you clearly aren't look like monkey king and clyton you look like shrek" liz sasid and i jim and mike laughed our asses out

" well if i am shrek are fiona!" clyton said...liz glared at him and just then the bell rang ..

"I do not look like monkey king! "Austin muttered.

"Oh but you do little monkey! " Liz said.
Austin glared at Liz and she playfully slapped him on the shoulder

"Ko! Look at your friend she is going all ape on me"Austin squealed.

" we have the first class together monkey king.." said clyton to austin .austin made a puppy dog face and looked at me ..

" hey !! dont mess with him clyton and liz! " i said and austin smiled and the 2 pouted.." only i am allowed to diss my monkey!"

i said that and austin punched me on my shoulder lightly ..

" now now monkey .. dont want to get punched now do you ? '' i asked him as i playfully pushed him aside and went to class..

today the caffeterria was silent .. wondering why?

yeah...queen of hell. .aka  cara montez did not show today..

and so today my day would go well i thought ..

we sat at our table and decided to go to the beach at night for camping..

then there was this announcement made

listen up folks ..

as you all know that " the battle of the champions" is going to start off soon so as per all the coaches here are your competetors who will be competing against each other and only two will be selected to enter the competition .. so here are the names

raymond moore the swimming team captain and his team mate

jennifer ladon

james cahill your rugby captain and luke wilson his team mate

krage taylor the basket ball captain and zac moon his team mate

cedric mason volley ball team captain and his team mate kaite olson

river shaw and anna mill your best lawn tennis players ..

last but not the least

the best quarterback

kody taylor and her team mate austin moon ...

the crowd went crazy when the competitors were announced and liz climbed on me hugging along with jim and mike .. they really looked like chimps..saying ’my precious "

all these competetors assemble in the bascket ball court after lunch..thankyou "

" well now lunch is over so we gotta go.." i said getting up ..

" this is soo great .. austin do not go all easy on kody just because she is your sugar mamma now.. you both are competing against each other .." clyton said

" wouldnt be the first time.' muttered mike

" well kody you dont go easy on austin as you know how weak he is in running and well you have probably mastered all the sports.. we give you a ball .. you become neymar .. we give you a tennis racket you become nadal .. we throw you in the water .. you swim like a mermaid .. you have nothing to worry about .. you are like the fastest kid in this school after austin and all of your brothers .. have won this championship is the taylor tradition never to leave the school without getting that trophy ... like kaiden was the best..i mean THE BEST!! you know-" i cut liz off

" yes lizzy ... we know.. lets go aus" i said grabbing his arm and dragging him to the court..

well liz was right .. it was the taylor tradition .. and about kaiden .. he won this title twice ..once in the senior year ..and the year before that .. and in the following years kyle and ken ... and now i had to win this thing .. this title meant a lot to me ...

i would be offered a good scholarship and i wanted to get into the college by myself and not from my parents' money .. that's how the older 3 got in the college ..

krage is selected too.. but of course i can beat him and zac .. the competition this year is really tough this year ..

jennifer ladon and kaite olson are the only girls with me in this competition ..

believe me .. jennifer is only good in swimming and nothing else but kaite olson?

she is one heck of a girl.. just like me .. but a slow runner than me though she plays tennis.. and not a good swimmer

" well take seats on the bleachers folks..we gotta discuss about the competetion ..

" said coach coach ryans 

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