3 - ehh...!

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Liz on top


as i explained him all the concepts and asked him to do his homework and i took a look around his room ...i spotted the guitar there and played a few chords.

."you know how to play?" i didnt answer his stupid question but instead

"are you done with yur homework:?"he handed me out the book and leaned back
" it is all wrong" i said

" well maybe you coan just show me how to do it then ?" he asked me
I threw the book on his bed
" i knew it ...I knew tag at your a good for nothing little piece of crap and I'd have to do the homework for you and ..urgh!..im outta here .." i said going towards the door.

." wait TAYLOR i was kidding"he shouted as I exited the room

" well it didnt sound like you were" I Yelled ..

" why are you so mad at me everytime?"
...."well are'nt you always ...is that even a question ? moon we hate each other okay?"i said

"well now i dont feel like tutoring you anyways so you can save your ass all on your own ..because clearly u are not that dumb ...only the final answers were wrong and some of the steps you clearly made mistakes there on purpose and you wouldnt give up the team that easy so you are on your own now"i said ..

''are you challengin me taylor?" ..

"i dare you ..pass the test" i said and went away ...i went home and had lumch with krage the youngest of the brothers and my dad.after that i went off to sleep and there was a beep on my phone ..i just received a text from moon ...saying


seriously a winky smiley ?well i went to sleep and in the morning i went for practice and he and clyton jimmy and the rest of the guys were on the field.. coach ryan came and said

"morning guys and Taylor" some of them laughed as i was the only girl in the team

''Hush up guys ..taylor take 5 rounds on the field along with the rest of them and then just supervise on them as they all do 100 scotts 50 push ups and 10 back and fourths paired up u can join in then ..i am gonna go now and by the time i get here i want it all done ...we have a match coming up "saying this he left .

."okay guys lets get started shall we?run!"....

i yell as they give me smirks and run along with me after 8 rounds every one is all tired but i keep yelling to keep up as it is my duty and i am quite RESPONSIBLE for my teams fittness,,

"come on guys only 2 more rounds" i say and then we finally finish...

we lie down on the grass and after a minute i say come on for 100 scotts!

" what? didnt we just finish taking 10 rounds KO? atleast wait for 2 freaking minutes!!" says reece

i put my hand forward for him to take it and while pulling him up i say

"well you have to right now" i say patting on his sweaty back ..

"yeah yeah listen to the captain " says moon sarcastically ,.

."if you dont want to listen then do what you want jerk '' i said and folded my crossed my arms

"since you just said that i am gonna push you in the mud "he said crossing his arms near his chest as well

" i dare you to do that jerk!" saying this i shoved passed him

"i hate you taylor " he said

"Oh my god! moon ...tell me something i dont know" i said smirking

"hey KO cheer up ...you kn0w your our favourite girl ...we love you " said jake swinging his arm around austin and clyton joined

..i just smile and yell back at all the smirking guys " okay so 100 scotts it is"

after pushups we had to do the back and fourths even me so i paired up with jimmy

"you know you and austin when you two fight it is so ado-" .....

....."i dare you to finish that sentence jimmy!" i snap

"yes ma'am"he says

...after the practice was over i changed and i went to class it was chem lab and the teacher said"everyone grab a partner ".

...he said i was so glad that he didnt remember anyting about me being paired up with moon .. but them that little ray of sunshine was gone

"ooh except for miss taylor and mr moon ..i heard that i had to pair up you both together to get along so .." we didnt talk as that was the best option for everyone .

.after the school was over we had detention ...miss meren again took a session and we fought again ...
She seemed really pissed at us ..
later i directly got into my car and went home

..then i got a text from clyton ...liz ...jake... jimmy ..and mike pleading me to come to that stupid party at Khon's house..NOLE KHON was the rich guy in our school and had the years best party ...this time as usual we all were invited..last time these people practically kidnapped me and took me there saying that it would be not nice that the head cheerleadear wouldnt attend the party then it would be an insult..

.about that ..i am nothing like those other school cheerleader wanna be's .

.i dont put make up and all stuff and anyways i don't even need to put it on ...boys line up on every step i take..*smirks and grins*

...okay that went too far but despite of playing in mud and sun im perfectly skinny..fair and naturally have pink lips ..i dont need that artificial paint on my pretty face,..and i usually leave my hair but while playing I tie it in a ponytail and leave it like that for the entire day as I'm to lazy to even comb it or anything..

I wouldn't accept the fact that I'm a tomboy either...it'd take it as an insult .
I'm a girl and I'd like to be like that..but just not the normal one...normal is too boring for my liking..

i texted all of them that i will not go there and no force on earth will make me go there!

the next thing i know tah tthe doorbell rang and my dad opened the door.

" hey Kody your friends are here..." he yeled and i went down

" look i told you guys ..i wont go" i said.." may we ?" asked jake to my father and he nodded

..it is like he knew what their next step was..i was being lifted by jimmy and all the others went to my room and then we made it to my room and

" put me down ya freak!" i screamed.

.i was made sit on the chair and liz started to dig in my closet ..

."i knew that id pick this one ..." saying this she pulled out a short black dress and glared at the boys...they put up their hands in
surrender and went out ..she shoved me hard on the bed and made me wear that dress..after that they all came in and '

'you look hot KO!" said jake .

.i stuck out my tongue and then again i was pushed to the chair infront of the mirror.

." please dont you dare bring that brush on my nails..ill kick you"

..but they didnt listen anyways ...they curled my hair and left it open and pinned it into a small puff and all that make up on ...i thought it weighed tonns..

" there you go!!" every person in that room said ...clyton made me stand up infront of the mirror and i could see that everyone is smiling at me ..:

" you look beautiful KODY TAYLOR" said mike.."..... i kept staring at my face ,,

,i t was the first time i had ever put on make up to this extent ...

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