Chapter 27

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I wake up, and take a shower. I put my hair in a ponytail, and straighten it. I put on the pink sequin dress, and the white fluffy pouch.I put on shoes and go downstairs. There is a big UPS box, and it's heavy. I decide to open it outside. It says fragile everywhere. I carefully open it. I move all the packing peanuts and its Kalani. She jumps out and gives me a big bear hug. I missed her so much. Moments later there is a knock on the door. Another UPS box. It also says fragile. I open it up, and it's Kendall. She gives me a bear hug also. "Kenz, why are you wearing that?" Kendall asks. "Well, I lost my job. Today's my first day as a waitress." I say. "Why are you here Kendall." I ask. "Kalani called me last night. She told me how you couldn't do it. We decided she couldn't do it by herself when you two are at work, so I came with her." She explains. We walk into the kitchen, and I grab a banana. I eat it, and then i have to go. "Guys, I'm so sorry. I have to go. My hubby is on a business trip. So it's just you two. Kendall knows where everything is. Good luck." I say, running out the door. I rush to the car and drive to work. I park and go into the diner. The first person comes, they want a booth. I seat them, and give them menus. A girl, about 12 years old comes up. I seat her at a table, and give her a menu. I go to the other people and get their orders, and give them to the cooks. I go back to her, and she wants lemonade and cereal. I see the other people food is ready, so I grab it. I give them the new order, and give the people their food. I rush over to the girl, and hand her the food she ordered. I rush over to my boss. "Please make sure that girl stays here." I say. She nods, and i run to the store Denny's, which is next door. I buy tons of clothes and pajamas. I get her a hairbrush. I get a nerds pillow and a bunch of blankets. I buy magazines and shoes. I buy hair ties. I buy lip balm. I pay, $167.39 and run to CVS next door. I get candy and makeup. I get some cereal and I pay. $24.31. I rush back to work with both bags in my hand. I hide the bags, and look at the girl. She looks pale and unhealthy. She looks homeless. Luckily the diner had medicine. I put that in the bags as well. I walk up to the girl and asked her what she would like to do with the remaining food. "I would like to take it to go." She said.  I package up all the stuff, and walk back over to her. "Sweetie." I say. "I bought you stuff. I call it Mackenzie's survival kit." She laughs. I give her the stuff, and she thanks me a million times. I hand her $20. She hugs me, and walks bag to her "home" I see her on the blankets. Trying to get money. I'm watching her, and someone else walks in. I seat the person. A girl, about my age. Darker skin, and brown hair. No-no-no. If this is who I think it is, it's over. It's gonna be all over social media. I grab my phone and look at her Instagram page. She hasn't posted anything yet today. I look down and walk over. "Coffee and a waffle." She says. Yup, that's her. Crap. Why her. I might as well follow her orders, and not say anything. I get her food, and walk away.
Time skip, to home.
I HATE BEING A WAITRESS! I'm driving, listening to Girl Party. Even though it's old I still like it. My phone rings and I pick up. "Hey, kenz? It's Kendall, we are having a problem back here." She says. "Um, what is it?" I ask, worriedly. "We can't find diapers, and Rachel is throwing up." She explains. "Um, okay. You know where I keep older, "sick" clothes for them, so get Rachel some sick clothes and put her in a guest bedroom. For the diapers, I keep a secret stash, in the garage." I explain. "Alright thanks!" Kendall says before hanging up. I pull into the driveway and I seriously regret opening the door. "KENDALL DID YOU FIND THE DIAPERS!" "NO DID YOU FIND THE SICK CLOTHES!" "MY BELLY HURTS!" "WAAAAAA!" My life sucks. I rush inside, taking my shoes and jewelry off. I run into the garage and grab diapers. I rush upstairs with the diapers, and I give it to Kalani. I grab some "sick clothes" and change Rachel. I grab her iPad, her laptop, her chargers, and her headphones and rush her into a guest bedroom with a ginormous garbage. Jake comes out of his room, and jumps into my arms. "Mommy, they were crazy!" He whispers, "next time show them where stuff is." I laugh. "Alright, Mr. Jake!" He smiles. "Jake, can we talk for a little bit?" I ask. "Sure mommy" he says. I put him on my back and we go into his room. I plop him onto his bed, and I sit on the beanbag chair next to him. "Jake, I just wanna tell you that even though things have been crazy and I haven't been paying attention, I still love you." I say. He hugs me and we walk downstairs. I make him some cookies, and take out my phone. I log off of my Instagram and make Jake one. I call it: Jake_Evans (I made this up.) I take a picture of us and post it. Cookies With Mommy🍪 I caption it. I tag myself and post it. Immediately the followers, likes, and comments roll in. "Jake, go get your sneakers." I say. He gets them and rushes back down. I decide since both him and Rachel's birthday are coming up soon I'm getting them an early gift. We get in the car, and drive to the mall. We get some fro yo and then walk upstairs. I walk into the Apple Store with him and walk over to the phones. I find three 11S+'s, the newest phone. I purchase them along with a Lego case, a unicorn case, a Starbucks case, and three fly grips. We walk over to a table, and I set up the phones. "Thank you mommy!" He says. I hand him his phone, case on with the fly grip. I sign back onto my Instagram on my phone and onto his on his phone. I take a picture on my phone and caption it, mommy son day. Got phones! I post it and in one minute I get 7,461 likes and 899 comments. We walk out of the Apple Store and walk into Nike. We both get a pair of sneakers, and lucky me. When I was walking out I bumped into someone. Not just anyone, Maddie. She shoots me an evil eye but luckily Jake doesn't see. We go to a lot more stores and I decide we need to go to gap. As we're walking in I bump into another person. "Sorry." The voice says. I would know that voice anywhere. I look up and it's Colleen Ballinger. She realizes it's me after a moment. "Hey Mackenzie! I haven't seen you in a while." She says. "Yeah, I haven't seen you either." I say. "So why are you here? I ask. "I needed to get clothes for my son. What about you?" She asks. "Same." I say, moving the bags so she could see Jake better. "We need to get together soon, I'll text you." She says. "Great! I gotta go, but we will talk later." I say. We go in our separate directions, and I show Jake lots of clothes and he likes all of them. We pay and do a lot more stores. As we are walking out, we pass by the new FAO Schwartz. We walk in, and get lots of toys. We leave and drive home.

As we are in the car I check the time. It's 6:00. I look back at Jake, he is sound asleep. We pull into the driveway. I get all the bags and Jake and walk into the house. I lie Jake down and put the bags on the ground. I go into the kitchen and Kendal, and Kalani are there. "So what did you do today?" Kendall asked. "Mommy son shopping day. How did your day go?" I ask. "The normal. Rachel fell asleep after you left. She woke up 45 minutes ago, and asked for soup. We gave her some and she was watching Netflix on her MacBook. We went to ask if she wanted more and she was asleep, that was 20 minutes ago." Kalani says. My phone buzzes and I check it. Colleen. "Who was that?" Kalani asks. "I ran into Colleen Ballinger today at the mall. It was her, trying to get together with me." I explain. I pick up my phone and order Chinese food. As we're waiting, we all are by the hot tub on our phones. I'm texting Colleen.
👌is Colleen, 🤘is Mackenzie
👌Hey Kenz, when do you wanna get together?
🤘Well, maybe sometime this week?
👌sure what day?

AUTHORS NOTE: Yes, I know that Colleen is like double Mackenzies age in real life, but in the book we are gonna say they are the same age. And expect like one more chapter today!

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