Chapter 6

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Kenzie's P.O.V

I grab my phone, and lift up Abby. When I walk up the stairs, my phone rings. I pick it up. It's Maddie.

Bold is kenz/Jake
Slant is Maddie

Jake loves his room and puppy
Oh, that's great! Do you like the house?
I'm loving it!
Would you be able to watch Jake tomorrow? I'm going job hunting.
Sure, definitely! I will be there at 11:45
Hey, before you go can I talk to Jake?
Hi Jake!
Hi Auntie
What did you name your puppy?
Abby. After you guys old dance teacher.
Awww, your so cute
Tomorrow can I go swimming?
Sure. Jakey, go to bed now. It's getting late
Love you
Love you

Phone goes dead

I take my phone, and put it in my pocket. Ok Jake, time for bed. I cover him, and put Abby in the dog bed. "Mommy?" He says. "Yes?" I say "I can't sleep" "um, ok, want me to sing?" He nods.

Here is where you start the music

I finishing singing, and realize how much I miss it. "Night, Jake" I say kissing his forehead. "Night night mommy" he says. I walk out, and close the door.

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