Chapter 16

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I wake up, and hear whispering. I go downstairs. All the girls are there! "You look great kenz" JoJo says. "Yea, you do" Kendall adds. "No, I don't" I say. "I couldn't sleep at all, and I look delirious. I'm gonna go change." I say. I put on a blue top, leggings, and an Aeropostale sweatshirt. I do my hair and makeup, and puts Uggs on. As I'm walking down, I really feel the baby, but I ignore it. We decided to drop Jake at a friends (after he was invited over, obviously) and we decided to get Starbucks. I got a passion fruit with lemonade sweetened. Nia and JoJo got java chip frappes, Maddie got a green iced tea, Kendall got an orange refresher, and Kalani got a strawberry refresher. Just as I finish, I feel the baby. I excuse myself, bringing my phone. In the bathroom, I text Kendall that I think I'm having a contraction. She says when I come back she will somehow get me to the hospital. I walk back, winking at Kendall. "Kenzie?" She says "ya?" I reply "I, um, wanted to take you on a drive. Alone." I nod, and we walk to the car. "Good save" I said.

Maddie's P.O.V
I'm so confused right now! Like, what are they hiding? All we did was stare. They got into the car, and put the sun protecter things on the window, but they were obviously using it so we couldn't see. Kalani saw I was getting nervous. She started comforting me, saying stuff like "it's ok mads" I sigh

Mackenzie's P.O.V
I'm lying in the second row, with Kendall in the front driving. We stop at a red light, and she opens a cooler. "Here" she says. " put these everywhere." I look in, and it's a bunch of cloths. We start driving. I do what she says, and I call Jacob.

Phone Convo
Bold is kenz, slant is Jacob
Yes honey?
I'm going into labor
Its okay, where are you
In Kendall's car
Does Maddie know?
Alright, I'll meet you at the hospital?
Which one
St. John's
Owwwwww love u
Love u too
Line dies

I check my insta feed, following a few fans. I realize I have a direct message from the fan right away
Dance.moms.fan123 : look at my newest picture
officialmackzmusic : okay

I look at it, and get angry. It was a picture of me in Kendall's car. You could see me, and you could see I was in pain in labor
Dance.moms.fan123 : now I'm gonna follow you to the hospital
officialmackzmusic : no ur not I'm calling the police

911: hello what's your name
me: Mackenzie France's Evans
911: ok, what's wrong ma'am
me: this girl is following me, I'm in labor getting driven to the hospital
911: ok, which hospital?
me: St. John's
911: okay, security will be sent shortly. I recommend calling the hospital so they are ready
me: thank you sir
911: it's what I do
Me: bye bye
I hang up, and call the hospital
SJ: St. John's, how can I help you
Me: hi, I'm going into labor
SJ: okay, are you on your way?
Me: yes
SJ: what's your name
Me: Mackenzie France's Evans
SJ : alright, your husband is here
Me: is my room ready?
SJ : yes, why the rush
me: someone is following. I called 911 and they are sending people
SJ : alright, see you then.
I hang up

I look more at insta, and see lots of hate like "she's so ugly why would someone marry her and have another kid"
I see I have a dm from Maddie. I delete it. We pull up, and cops are there, leading me in. More cops put the girl in the car. I see Jacob and run to him. He points to the wheel chair, and we all go up. It's me, Jacob, and Kendall in the room. "Guys?" I say "yes" Kendall says. "I'm having the baby" we call the nurse, and Kendall and Jacob stand on either side of me holding my hands, making sure I'm okay, rubbing my back, relaxing me, calming me down, making me laugh, all that stuff. "Congrats." The dr says, handing me the little girl. "What are you gonna name her?" Kendall says. Jacob and I nod, already knowing that we should change the middle name. "Molly" I say. "Molly K Evans" Kendall's eyes tear up. "Oh guys you don't have to do this" she says. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here" I say. She smiles, and side hugs me. "Kendall" I say. "Since your engaged, will you and your fiancé be the godparents?" I ask. "Of course!"She says. We call her fiancé and he comes over. He has the same reaction Kendall does. I look at my feed on insta a little later, and see a picture of me in the hospital. It was this picture of me holding Molly. I look outside the window, and see a little girl in a wheelchair trying to get my attention. I wave, and close the blinds. I get back into my bed, and take a nap. I wake up to Maddie's voice and the nurse. "Are you sure she's not dead?" Maddie said. "Yes sweetie I'm sure." The nurse says "it's common for people that do lots of athletic stuff to sleep after this." I decide that since nice my phone was in my hand, to take a selfie, without them seeing. I did pretty good. I "woke up" to see Maddie leaning over me. "did you have the baby?" She asks. "Yeah" I say. The dr comes in and says to Maddie "I'm sorry, you must go in the hallway it's time for Miss Mackenzie to see the baby again." She nods, and walks out. Jacob had gone to get Jake from his friends, so it was me and Molly. I go on iTunes music, and click on shuffle. The song and that plays is the part of me by Katy perry. "This is our song" I whisper to Molly. I'm listening to the music, when there is a knock. "Come in" I say. The door opens, and it is...
Ms. Abby?!

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