Chapter 14

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

We walk upstairs to one of the rooms. I decided since it was so late, they should just stay over. This room was neutral, but we had a double bunk. It was humongous. "Welcome to the room your staying in!" I say. They all run to the beds they want. I got them all pajamas and clothes that fit them. Maddie was staying in another room. "I'm gonna check on Jake. Come down when your ready" I say. They nod, and I close the door.

Nobody's P.O.V

The minute the door closed, and Mackenzie walked out, JoJo said "let's play a prank on her!" So the girl's planned to put a bucket of cold water over her door.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

I go downstairs to see Jake crying. I lift him up, and he starts to calm down. "What's wrong, Jakey?" I ask while rubbing his back. "I f-fell" he says. "It's okay" I say,soothing him. I check the time. 8:00. "Jake, time for bed" I say.i carry him upstairs into his room. I give him buzz light year pajamas, and he gets dressed. "Night Jake." I say. "Night mommy" he says. I tuck him in, and kiss his forehead. A moment later, the girls wanna see my bedroom. I know they put water over my door. I'm gonna get them. You guys first I say. "No, it's your room" JoJo says. "Ugh, it's not a big deal, I will go first" Maddie says. She opens the door, and she gets flour over her whole body. We all start laughing. I decide we should go to the pool. We head on down to the hot tub. Finally, it's time for bed. "Night" we all say. We go into our rooms, and fall asleep. I wake up to Jake jumping on the bed. "Hi Jake!" I say. We go downstairs. The girls aren't up yet, do we decide to go get ready. "Mommy, why is your belly so big?" Jake asks. I laugh, and say "because the baby is growing." He smiles, and I give him a big hug. I put him on my back, and we walk into the kitchen. We decided to cook the girls breakfast. We place the food by the couch, and Jake runs up to get them.

Kendall's P.O.V
I had this crazy dream that I was at Kenzie's penthouse/mansion. She had a cute husband and she had a son. She was pregnant. It was so weird. Suddenly, I wake up.  I realize that dream was real. Jake is standing there, jumping on the bed. I scoop him up. "Good morning" he says. I put him down on the bed. Since I have a bottom, it is easier. I kneel in front of him, and put my hands on his stomach. I start tickling him, and he starts to laugh. We wake everyone up, and go downstairs.

Mackenzie's P.O.V
I hear Jake, and come out of the kitchen. "Morning!" I shout. "Everyone, there is a bug buffet. Grab a plate, and start!" Jake runs around the food, getting toast, and bacon and waffles. I make some coffee, and we all have some. A few hours later, the girls had to go. We decided we would text soon and figure out another day. "Wait!" Kendall shouts. "Ya?" I reply. "When do you get off of work?" "Um, in five months, so when I am seven months." I say. "Okay, bye" she says, kissing my cheek.

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