I smirk a little at her attitude. At least something would never change. All my cabin mates stand behind her. I grin. It's so nice to-

Then I see him. Worry knots his brow as he pushes through my siblings with Will right behind him. His clothes are tattered and he's filthy. But he's alive. Butterflies burst inside my stomach. And even though my vision may be a little fuzzy at the moment I can make out every little detail on his face up to the zit on his temple he's had since he was twelve.

He stands quietly beside me as Will peels back the bandages. Around the gash, my skin is slowly turning green. I feel the pancakes from breakfast start to rise in my throat. I push it down.

Percy gasps and mumbles, "Annabeth..." before choking up.

I want to roll my eyes. Oh Percy. Loyal till the bitter end. "Poison on the dagger. Pretty stupid of me, huh?" Percy huffs slightly and turns his head to put his godhead on the back of my chair.

"It's not so bad, Annabeth. A few more minutes and we would've been in trouble, but the venom hasn't gotten past the shoulder yet. Just lie still," says Will Solace in relief. "Somebody hand me some nectar."

Percy quickly grabs some and then kneels beside me to clutch my hand. I grip his hand tightly as Will starts to clean out the wound with the stuff. Hopping Hades this hurts. "Ow, ow, ow!" Gods this sucks. I clamp my mouth shut, resolving, no matter how much it stings, not to say another 'ow'.


Well that died quickly.

Finally Will stands. He's incredibly pale. The healing must have took a lot out of him, and then some. "That should do it. But we're going to need more supplies. There's a Duane Reade on Fifth. Normally I would never steal-"

"I would." Travis pipes up.

I do my best to send him a death glare, but Will beats me to it. "Leave cash or drachmas to pay, whatever you've got, but this is an emergency. I've got a feeling we're going to have a lot more people to treat."

I look around at everyone gathered on the terrace to witness my healing. Every single one of them is cut up. Well every single one except Percy. Oh that Achilles curse.

"Come on guys. Let's give Annabeth some space." I'm surprised to find Travis the one saying this. "We've got some drug stores to raid...I mean visit." I am no longer surprised.

Everyone shuffles inside. Jake Mason steps up to Percy first. "We'll talk later, but it's under control. I'm using Annabeth's shield to keep an eye on things. The enemy withdrew at sunrise; not sure why. We've got a lookout at each bridge and tunnel."

"Thanks, man." Percy claps him on the back.

"Take your time." He turns and leaves Percy, Silena and I alone on the terrace.

"This is all my fault," confesses Silena. How is this her fault? How can she even think such a thing?

"No," I say. Trying to sound confident and strong, but it comes out like a weak little word. I try again. "Silena, how is it your fault?"

"I've never been good at camp. Not like you or Percy. If I was a better fighter..." she trails off.

You wouldn't be you. You wouldn't have been here to save my life. You wouldn't have been able to teach everyone everything about pegasi. You wouldn't have had Beckendorf. I want to tell her all these things. I want to fill her up again. But Percy beats me to it.

"You're a great camper. You're the best pegasus rider we have. And you get along with people. Believe me, anyone who can make friends with Clarisse has talent."

He might've just spoken those words for me for all the butterflies I feel in my gut. Gods I love Seaweed brain.

Wait...what? Did I just say-

"That's it!We need the Area cabin. I can talk to Clarisse. I know I can convince her to help us." Silena cuts my thought off.

"Whoa, Silena. Even if you could get off the island, Clarosse is pretty stubborn. Once she gets angry-"

Silena doesn't wait for him to finish. "Please. I can take a pegasus. I know I can make it back to camp. Let me try."

Percy looks at me. This idea could never work. I know that. But I want Silena to feel she's really doing something useful in the war. Because at the moment it's clear that she feels completely useless. So for all these reasons I nod.

He hesitates, but seems to agree with me. "Alright. I can't think of anybody better to try."

True words were never spoken.

Silena hugged Percy. A flare of jealously flickered inside me. Oh no she didn't- But these is Silena. She's an Aphrodite daughter. She hugs everyone. Doesn't mean she's in love. As if she senses my thoughts, Silena pushes away from Percy awkwardly and glances at me. "Um, sorry. Thank you, Percy! I won't let you down!" Then she leaves.

Percy quickly scoots down and places a hand on my forehead. His face knots in worry and he looks absolutely adorable. "You're cute when you're worried. Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."

He doesn't seem to hear me. "You are not going to die while I owe you a favour." Percy stops. "Why did you take that knife?" he whispers.

I love you. I force the words to my lips, but nothing comes out. Maybe I can tell him later. Maybe not. "You would have done the same for me." It's true too.

He still has his cute concerned face on. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" We're on the verge of something big. I can just feel if tingling in the air. Percy checks over his shoulder to make sure no one else is here. Then he leans even closer and lowers his voice a couple notches still. "My Achilles spot. If you hadn't taken the knife I would have died."

So he hadn't been stupid enough to make it his heel. Good job, Percy. Then I wondered how exactly I had known to jump in front. "I don't know, Percy. I just had this feeling you were in danger. Where...where is the spot?" Sure I know it isn't his heel. But I really want to know where it is exactly.

"The small of my back," he says after some silence. I lift my hand. I need to know where it is so I can protect that spot. He isn't going to die if I can help it.

"Where? Here?" I touch my hand to his spin. I feel him shiver slightly. Maybe I'm not the only one head over heels-

He moves my hand down a bit. Sparks of electricity snap through me.

"You saved me. Thanks."

I remove my hand from his back, but he keeps holding it. Like I'm his lifeline to the mortal world and not that place I was just touching. I fight a grin from my face. Gods did I love this guy.

"So you owe me. What else is new?"

Yeah another chapter done. I really like writing these kinds of chapters. You know, parts of the books from Annabeth's PoV. There will probably be a couple more of these. So if you like them, keep reading.

As always I wish you luck in safely finding Camp Half-Blood. Maybe I'll see you in the Apollo cabin!

~omgitshappenninng 😜

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