I nodded. "Thank you very much."

I pulled on the clothes. "No, no, no," Max said, walking over to me.

He pulled the shirt I had just put on over my head. "Like this," he explained.

He grabbed the long sleeved shirt and tugged it over my head. I finished putting it on, while he grabbed the floral tank-top and threw it at me. I gave him a confused look. "Why do I have to wear a cardigan then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"One, it is supposed to be really cold today, and we forgot to buy coats. Two, I think I want to do the layered look with you today," he explained.

I nodded my head like I knew fashion. He laughed. I pulled on my cardigan and he rolled up the sleeves so that people could see the long sleeved shirt underneath.

Max excused himself to the shower and I plugged in my straightener. I walked into the bathroom when I heard the water turn on. I was searching for the blow dryer when a thought popped into my head. "Oh, Max!" I said over the water. I heard a clatter from the shower.

"You scared me," he said, poking his head out from the curtain.

I giggles. "Sorry, I just needed to ask something."

He waited patiently, with his head sticking out of the curtain still. "Yes?" he said when I didn't continue.

"How'd it go with Luke?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face.

Max turned red and shoved his head back into the shower. "Uh..."

"Uh?" I said, a puzzled expression on my face. "What happened?"

"Well, he, uh, he kissed...me," Max said. I barely heard the word 'me'.

"AWW!" I shrieked. "That's so cute."

"No, it's not. I froze it was quite awkward," Max said, softly.

"Max, you were just nervous. I'm sure everything will work out just fine," I reassured him.

"I don't know. He had to leave after that, so we didn't really get a chance to talk much. I got bored, so I came to get you."

"Well, maybe you should invite him over this weekend. I'll go stay with Ashley... or something," I said, grabbing the blow dryer. "I'm off to do my hair."

I walked back into his room with a grin on my face. Luke and Max, how cute.

When Max was out of the shower, and my face was painted, we grabbed a quick breakfast and rushed out the door.


"Why are we always so early?" I asked Max as we entered the English room.

"Welcome back," Nick said, just as Max opened his mouth to reply.

I rolled my eyes at him, and Max and I walked to our desks.

As usual, we pulled them together and had a seat. "Oh," I said, turning to Max. "I dropped my phone, and I was thinking that after school we could go get a new one. I think it was time for my upgrade anyway."

"Okay, sounds good," Max said. He put his head on his desk and closed his eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked him.

He nodded. "I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night."
I pressed my lips to his forehead. It didn't seem to be any warmer than usual.

I shrugged and turned to face the front of the class. Nick was staring at me with an odd grin on his face. I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes.

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