Dinner with BTS.

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Jungkooks FINAL day. In the evening today he had to be in the airport....

Jungkook P.O.V

"Come on!!! Hurrreeeeeee!!!!" Suga was banging on the bathroom door.

It's not my fault I needed extra time due to two broken limbs.

"Going as fast as I can suga!!!"

I heard him sigh.

Finally I opened the door.

"Geez!" He ran in.

I laughed.

I walked into the the kitchen.

Jin has been making amazing breakfasts ever since I was hurt.

At least that's one good thing about it.

He handed me a plate.

"Eat up kookie...I think crazy uncle Suga has something planned"

I was confused.I ignored it.

I sat down opposite V.

He was asleep whilst eating.

Holding his fork.

I laughed.

"Hyung!" I shook him.

"Wha?.." He opened his eyes .

Jin and I laughed.

I looked around

"Where are the rest of the guys?"

Jimin , jhope and namjoon were gone.

"They went shopping <yawn> " v got up and started washing his dishes.

Now I was really confused.

"But we went food shopping just the day before yesterday" I poked at me eggs.

I heard Suga run out of my bathroom.

"Yes but we don't have enough food for 10 people!!" He looked really excited.

"What?!" I jumped up then I bumped my knee on the table. "Argh!"

Suga came to help me.

"Suga! What the hell have you got planned??"

"No swearing kookie!" He was prancing around.

He shoved a sausage in his mouth and started to explain.

"I thought seeing as we're leaving...soon...we should have like a farewell dinner type thing" he waved the sausage at me.

I looked at him."Cool, but with who? Who are the extra 3?" He looked embarrassed

"Well...hsghjkdlf" he was on purposely mumbling.


"Okay okay.....Alex.Alexs sister.her boyfriend"

My fork dropped.

I lept up.


"It'll be fun! She's been kind to us!!! Come on lil kookie!" He pinched my cheeks.

"Ya! No!" I ran (more like hobbled) into my room. I slammed the door.

They knew I didn't want to see her.

I couldn't.

Not after what I'd done to her.

Also I was feeling a bit awkward.

*Old Story!!* One summer with BTS (BTS and EXO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now