Only a few days left....

219 20 4

Alex P.O.V

1 week and 2 days after seeing the newspaper articles and hugging Jungkook.....

"Well it looks like you've healed early." The doctor removed the blood pressure tester thing.

"Your a great patient " he smiled , but I just nodded.

I was still depressed.

I calculated the days.

In 5 days Jungkook would be gone.

On the evening of the 5th day he would get on a plane.

"I'm very happy with how you've your ready you can go home."

I just nodded agin.

He and my sister chatted about medical bills and stuff like that.

Eventually she helped me pack my things and we left.

"So ..good your out huh?" She was driving.

I just looked out the window.

I didn't really speak much at the moment.

I was just to confused.

I rolled down the window and put my hand out.

I let if be blown back by the wind.

"Hey..I am actually talking to you ." She poked my good arm lightly.

She started being nicer to me.

It was taking some getting used to.

"Look do you want to eat out or something?" She was trying hard to be nice.

I just murderded "I just want to sleep" .

She nodded.

We drove home.

She unlocked the door.

It was strangely clean.

"I cleaned a little. Oh and I haven't told mum"

I looked back at her shocked.


"Look you want her to know you've been up plate with random guys?" Now she was being nice.

Like she was kinda helping me.

"They're not 'random' they're my friends"

She smiled "ah okay then.."

She walked into her room.

I just sat on the couch.

My crutches beside me.

I hated walking with those.

She walked out a few minutes later.

I hadn't noticed but she started dressing differently too.

More like her old self.

She'd also made her hair black again. And she had sweeper it over the shaven side.

So she looked a lot like the girl Sehun dated.

I wanted to ask what was up with her new look.

But I was to tired.

"So what do you want for lunch?" She started looking through the cuboards.

"Look thanks but, I'm too....."

She walked over and nodded.

"I get it...I know your sad...he's leaving" she started helping me into my room.

*Old Story!!* One summer with BTS (BTS and EXO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now