"That's fine with me. I'll help you plan your day with her and everything. But, Not before you have a day out with your actual sister." I say. He groans, Throwing his head back. "None of that." I say sternly. "You're going to go find your sister and you're going to ask her what she wants to do today and you're going to do everything she says."


"No buts." I cut him off. "You and Joylynn need to bond."

"Fine...But can you come with us?" He asks. "What if it's awkward when we're alone together?"

"Then it'll just have to be awkward. I promise that next time you two have an outing, If she's okay with it, I'll join you guys. But right now it's important that you and her spend some alone time together to really get to know each other. All you need to do to make this work is...Hold your temper."

"I always hold my temper. I always contain myself." He mutters. I raise my brow at him. "Why you always lyin..."


"You're crazy." I laugh. Dolph shrugs and takes a sip of his drink before speaking again. "I'm not. I just didn't wanna miss out on leg day!"

I roll my eyes before looking around a little. Dolph had texted me and asked me to meet him at the arena so we could grab some lunch together. We haven't really hung out lately so I decided it'd be a good idea. I've had a great time with him. He's told me his funny stories, As usual.

"So any new shirt ideas for me?" He asks eagerly. I laugh, Shaking my head. "Nope. But sweats on the other hand..."

"Oh my gosh tell me the details!" He shrieks before clearing his throat. "I mean, Tell me the details." He says making his voice deeper. "Well, They're pretty simple. It's just your face outlined on the front of them-"

"In the crotch area?" He asks excitedly.

"No I tried, I really did but they weren't having it." I sigh.

"Damn it. It's my dream to have my face on peoples crotch..." He pouts.

I smirk at him. "Your face is on the side of the sweat pants, Where your hip is I guess. And on the back is the word Ziggler." "Okay at least my name gets to be on people's butts. It's close enough." He shrugs.


"Sadie!" I hear someone yell. I turn to look and raise my brow when I see Kevin Owens standing there. "Are you here to give me a pop up power bomb?" I ask skeptically. He chuckles before shaking his head. "No but I need your help with my ring gear. I kind of um...Well just come with me." He mutters.

I shrug to myself before standing up. "See you later Ziggy." I say before walking off. "Sorry to pull you away so hastily but I kind of um...Split my shorts down the middle." He sighs. I giggle slightly but stop when he glares at me. "It happens to everyone." I state, Trying to hold in my laughter. "May I ask what you were erm, Doing when you split your shorts?" I ask.

"I was kind of dancing with the Miz. We were listening to Beyonce- Never mind just please fix my shorts." He sighs. This time I can't help but burst out laughing. I can only imagine how funny it must've been. He was probably doing the single ladies dance moves when he split his shorts. This is classic.

"Sadie." He whines. "Alright, Alright." I hold my hands up. "Lets fix your shorts."


// Dean //

"So...Is there any reason why we're here?" Joylynn asks. I raise a brow at her. "You wanted to come here." I mumble, Looking around the place. She wanted to come to a wine tasting, And while it isn't my scene, I took Sadie's advice and decided that if she wants to be here then I guess I do too. Although it's a little odd. I'm the only man here and all the women are tiny compared to me. And this small chair is hurting my ass crack.

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