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I looked at out at the crowd smiling brightly.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. We promise a good show, and as of tonight, you'll will always be Fatally Ours."

Cheers erupted and Derek started a beat on the drums. Ryan and Chase followed along with it.

"Sit down relax and enjoy the show, tonight we will show you to Glum Avenue."

Cheers erupted even if no one really knew our music, we played, and sang, and jumped around with happiness. Eventually the crowd started singing along and acting crazy.

A took a deep breathe. "This next song goes out to the ones who lost everything, the ones who survive not live, the ones who cry themselves to sleep at night, this goes out to the kids that need a little music to get through their day. This is Alone." The crowd went quiet.

I promise, it's not really fate
I promise, it's not meant to be
I promise, you'll live on

You'll never be alone
You don't need anyone
But you'll never be alone
If you believe someone's there

No one needs to be there
You can play pretend
Be a kid for a day
It'll be okay

Play some games on that old Nintendo
Find some old movies
Sit alone
It's okay to not want to do anything all day
No will judge,
If you're alone

Just sing it out
No one will care
If the neighbors get mad
Yell back I don't care
Fuck off
Leave me alone
I'm being me

I promise it's not fate you got hit in he face
I promise it's not a curse your parents say no
I promise it's not meant for you to not find love
I can promise you'll live sweetheart

Just stay strong...
And always be alone

I finished out and look back at the guys. I walked back with my mic towards them.

"These guys are the craziest people I've ever met, but they are the best people I've ever met. We are best friends, survivors, pizza lovers, and plain out weirdos. But for some reason you guys love us for or personality and music. Thank you and have a good night."

I looked back at the guys. "Remember, you will always be Fatally Ours!" We yelled out together.

One last cheer from the crowd came out before the stage crew dramatically closed the curtains on us. During our set up we had made t shirts and stuff so those were selling like crazy right now.

We went back to the little dressing room and grabbed water. Chugging it down and sighed I hugged all the guys, mostly Chase.

Then we were showed to our surprise.

Set up behind stage was four chairs in front of a curtain that said 'Hot Topic' on it. Underneath it said 'on the rise.'

I smiled as we were introduced to two guys. They told us to take a seat and they would be asking us some questions along with a little challenge.

I sat down in the middle next to Chase.

Here goes nothing...

Chase took a deep breathe and swiveled on the chair some. "Hey everyone what's up? Were Fatally Ours coming to you live."

We all introduced ourselves.

"I'm Chase, I play the guitar."

"I'm Derek, I do the drums."

"Ryan here, I play the bass."

"And I'm May, I do the vocals."

Questions arrived at us like a war being held in one place.

"What's your favorite color?" I laughed at that, but we all answered with black.

"What's your favorite animal?" Surprisingly, we all said cats.

"Most emotional?" I broke down laughing and the guys followed along. "The answer was defiantly me."

"Sleeps the most? Totally Derek, I think he feels add ended though." We looked over at Derek who was shaking his head at us.

"Middle names?" We named them off.

"May Elaine"

"Derek Douglas"

"Ryan Christopher"

"Chase Michael"

I smiled when Chase said his middle name. It made me happy for some odd reason.

"Okay last thing. This is like a dare I'm guessing. Or a challenge? Okay so it says 'do the chicken challenge'... What's the chicken challenge?"

I looked up at the tech guys and they searched it for us and started to laugh. They came on camera briefly and showed us what it is.

"You're kidding me right? I better get something for doing this," I groaned. We stood up and they paused the camera and moved it to the stage. We found some random stuff that we needed for this weird challenge.

"Okay, we're set up guys."

"We'll need a timer. But, we have honey and a ton of feathers and whoever can cover the most of their body in feathers in the least amount of time wins."

A worker grabbed a timer. "Okay, ready, set, go!"

Knowing me, and I am very clumsy, I tripped while grabbing the honey but ended up pouring it all over me. I chucked the bottle down and ran over to the feathers laughing. I ripped open the bag and turned it upside down over my head. They fell and I smashed them on to me hoping I wouldn't lose.

Chase was right behind me trying to stick them on to his not so sticky shirt. "We don't really look like chickens, do we?" I asked loudly to the guys.

They laughed and I thought to myself, even though last night was bad, I'm having a great day. And night. This is the most fun I'll ever have. One day, I know it'll happen, it'll just go down the drain. I smiled and ran over to a big fake red button. I sat down and caught my breathe waiting for the other guys to finish.

"Damn May! You have way too much energy!" Derek said to tease me.

"At least I'm winning," I shouted back.

Chase hit the button next, then Ryan, then Derek. I coughed slightly and tried to get the gooey hair off of my face. My nice black hair was a mess.

"Why did I ever agree to do this? I don't want bragging rights, I want a shower instead!" I complained and the guys started bursting out laughing. I giggled a little and wiped the honey off of my forehead.

What a great night.


Who do you guys want to see win the challenge?

Let me know in the comments!

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