~thirty three~

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It was Saturday and Luke had offered for me to stay as long as I wanted. I wasn't sure though. I didn't want to go home but I didn't know what to do around Luke after last night.

I walked downstairs and saw Luke's mum making breakfast. I offered her a little wave and she waved back.

"Hello Michael." She smiled, stacking pancakes on two plates. "Go get Luke for me would you? He's in the bathroom."

I nodded and walked upstairs, knocking on the bathroom door. Luke opened it and smiled at Me.

"Breakfast." I said in a small voice and Luke replied with 'okay'.

We walked downstairs and found two plates of pancakes at the table and Liz in the living room.

Luke pulled out his phone silently and pressed play on a YouTube video where they were testing makeup. Every now and then I would let out a little giggle as the girl made a joke or did it wrong.

Luke stared at me and simply smiled and ate his breakfast.

Then his phone buzzed and it was a text from Calum asking if we wanted to come round. Luke raised an eyebrow at me and i nodded, finishing my last pancake.

We went upstairs and I dug in my bag for some clothes and went to the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed.

I returned wearing a hoodie and a SnapBack. Luke gawked at the sight,

"Um you're staring." I squeaked and Luke blinked, looking away.

"Sorry you just look ... Different."

"Is that good?" I asked insecurely.

"Yeah, it's good." Luke smiled a little and grabbed his phone. "You ready to go?"
I nodded and grabbed my phone too, following Luke outside and to Calum's.

When Calum opened the door he beamed. "What's up pepperoni dicks?!"

"Calum!" Joy scolded from the front room.

Cal rolled his eyes. "Whatever, come in were gonna play Fifa."

We entered the front room and saw joy playing a game on her iPad.

Luke and Calum were playing Fifa, getting quite into it as they yelled and jumped about and I sat awkwardly playing with my sleeves.

I think joy noticed as he locked her iPad. "Wanna come make some cookies with me Michael?"

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen, completely unnoticed by the two.

We were rolling balls of dough and putting them on the tray when she raised a question.

"So Luke, huh?" She smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a tiny voice, she had gotten used to listening harder to find out what I was saying and honestly it was a lot more pleasant than saying for me to speak louder like most might.

"I mean you two look... Close."

"As friends maybe." I mumbled, turning my attention to the cookie mix.

"It's okay to like Luke you know Michael," she said with a sympathetic smile. "I can tell he likes you."

"How can you?" I asked.

"The way he looks at you, the way he's so nice to you when he speaks, it's... Different than when he speaks to Calum."

I shrugged and put the now empty bowl in the sink and placed the tray in the oven.

"I like Luke." I concluded.
"Then why not date him?" She asked.

I thought about it for a while.
"I..." I breathed. "I don't want him to hurt me."

"He won't." She smiled.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as I sat and talked to joy for a while until the cookies were done and we walked back in with them and as soon as the boys picked up on the smell they set about them like hyenas.

I watched with a small smile as Luke fought Calum for a cookie.

What was happening to me?

If you're looking for a good person to listen to try Jamie Lawson and his new album I SWEAR just do it and you won't regret it. It's kinda ed Sheeran sorta stuff Oki bye x ily x

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