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I pinched the bridge of my nose as I sat on the floor opposite Michael. He hadn't stopped shaking, eyes still wide with panic and I knew that was because of Luke.

I know Luke didn't mean anything by it, he probably still doesn't even understand what he did. Luke was never patient and he's just so sociable that he doesn't get why he didn't want to talk. However I knew.

"So Michael," I said softly, keeping my distance. "There's nothing stopping you from running away from me right now." I shrugged, gesturing to the clear pathway to the doors.

He didn't change his facial expression.

"But I'm guessing you're still here because you wanna know what I have to say."

I didn't expect an answer.

"So I mean, look you don't have to worry about me not getting you, I get you. I know what you have, I know that you weren't being silent because you don't want to talk to Luke, it's because you cant. Right?" I asked.

He lifted his eyebrows in surprise and I took that as I was correct.

"Luke... he... He's naïve as shit," I chuckled. "He has no idea why you don't talk to people, but yknow once he does know he'll do everything how you need it to be done."

I felt like I was talking to a child, but he seemed more responsive.

"I haven't seen you sit with anyone yet, last week was a bad week for you, everyone has a bad first week. But you can have a good time here, you can make friends with Luke, that doesn't mean you have to talk face to face, you can text I assume?" I raise an eyebrow.

He pulls out his phone as if to say yes.

"Well that's great, you can sit with us and the rest of the boys at lunch if you like..." I say but he recoils in fear - probably the thought of a large group. "O-or just me and Luke," I say smiling at him.

He seemed happier with that option.

"I'm gonna give you mine and Luke's number, you can text us ANYTIME. Literally, you think we wont reply because we're busy but- we will, we're lacking a life." I laughed slightly and he nodded, still nervous as hell and I wrote mine and Lukes number down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Now do you wanna walk with us to maths because we're here now anyway- actually I don't know where Luke went but you can come with me." I say and he nodded again, grabbing his bag and standing up as we headed to the classroom.

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