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I had been texted about 30 times by now and it was the next morning.

I just didn't want to go to school, I know my mum could sense that and I think she was questioning whether I had deserved the beating I was given. I had never gotten into trouble before and she seemed to have missed the fact that: I AM MUTE. How could I start trouble with someone?

I was lay in bed, knowing I was supposed to be up ten minutes ago but I couldn't bring myself to move.

"Michael." My mum walked in. I looked up at her through my messy fringe.

"I know you aren't gonna want to go in today or probably tomorrow so I'll call in," She sighed. "I have to work though, I don't want you doing anything troublesome, and please try to study something alright?"

I nodded and she kissed my forehead, avoiding the bump that had developed overnight.

"Bye honey."

"Bye mum." I smiled softly as she left for her job.

I was so bored of flipping around in bed that I got up and went to the bathroom, feeling at peace as I was all alone.

I glared at my reflection. My red hair was stuck up in all directions- and not in a good way like it was meant to be- my face still had streaks of dry blood and my lip was kind of swollen. Let's not even get started on the purple bruises on my stomach.

I winced at my appearance in general. If I had gone in today I knew I wouldn't have avoided the constant questions from my blonde and brunette friends.

I guess I was more scared of being alone with Calum, since I could talk with him I didn't have an excuse not to tell him other than I just didn't want to. At least with Luke he didn't expect me to speak at all.

I got changed into some grey sweatpants and a shirt, I was way too sore for skinny jeans today.

It was about the time that the first bell would have gone and it was then that I received more and more texts. I glanced at them as they littered my lock screen but they were all just asking where I was.

I was too tired to text back, and I didn't want to either.

I spent the day partly gaming but also the graphics brought on a headache and soon I found myself sleepy in bed again.

My mum arrived back around half three and she checked on me briefly but didn't bother me as she left me to rest.

I was disturbed however fifteen minutes later by her again as she whispered to me. "A tanned boy is here to see you."

"Only him?" I asked, wanting to know if Luke was here too.

"Yeah." She looked confused. I nodded and she called him up and let him in, leaving swiftly.

I stared at my ceiling.

"Please leave it Calum," I croaked.

"No." He whined. "You got beat up."

"I know." I replied softly.

"So tell me who did it." He frowned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to know." He said but I stayed silent, unconvinced. "Luke wont be told." He huffed.

I still didn't speak.

"If I know who it is, I can keep an eye on them. Maybe if we would have known they were looking to cause trouble, we could have made sure you got to the library unfollowed. But we couldn't." He told me sadly.

"I don't even know who they are." I rolled my eyes.

"Describe them to me." He gestured for me to start.

"Well umm... one had curly hair... and the other one had blonde hair and there was this one with brown hair and a nose piercing..." I thought back.

"The Vamps are you kidding me?" He said to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"That's the name of their gang. They're dicks but they're also cowards." He scoffed.

"Oh." I coughed.

"Don't worry Michael I wont tell Luke but.... you should." He looked at me.

"Does Luke know you came?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No. I told him to leave you, when he asked why I wasn't walking home with him I said I was meeting my sister somewhere for an appointment." Calum told me.

I nodded.

"I've gotta go, you should talk to Luke though."

I nodded again. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"You look awful by the way," was the last thing he said before leaving. It made me smile slightly because yeah, I know right.


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