~twenty four~

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It was Friday, good job too because I couldn't deal with one more day of school without a weekend in between.

I went to get Michael before school, already knowing he probably left earlier than I even woke up.

I knocked on his front door- already yawning from the early hour I woke at. The things I do for him.

A middle aged woman answered and looked at me strangely. "Hello?"
"Hi," I smiled. "I'm here for Michael."

"Michael?" She double checked and I nodded. She seemed shocked but I guess if you were the mother of a selectively mute kid you would question people knocking for him at 7 20 Am.

"Michael!" She yelled and Michael came walking out from the kitchen, eyes widening when he saw me.

"Hi Mikey," I offered a wave which made him crack a small closed mouthed smile. "Are you ready?"
He nodded and grabbed his bag, hugging his mum silently. He closed the door behind him as we began to walk.

Things were quiet until he spoke up in a morning voice.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My mum can't know I speak to you." He replied.

"Why not?"

There was a short pause. "Because then she'll think I'm okay." He breathed out, looking at the floor as he walked.

My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why don't you want her to think that?"

"Because I'm not." Michael shoved his hands in his pockets. "As soon as she thinks I'm even sort of alright she'll stop trying."

"Oh." Was all I could say. I did notice  however how Michael was getting more confident around me. He hardly stuttered. I didn't want to make him aware of it because he might go back to square one.

"Shit I... I made it awkward." he mumbled.

"No Mikey no, don't feel bad about it because I wanted to know." I assured him.

"Whatever." Was all the floppy haired boy could utter.


The whole day consisted of Michael being mute and me trying really hard to make him feel better about this morning. I hated that he apologised for telling the truth about himself.

I offered to walk him home and he stayed quiet, which I took as an okay.

"Mike." I sighed. "Stop being quiet."

"It's not that easy." He whispered to himself in a broken voice.

"Stop, you know what you said this morning-"

"Was a mistake. I shouldn't have told you." He interrupted me.

"If you're not okay I don't want you to just keep it to yourself." I pulled at my hair. "I want to help."

"You cant help me." He snapped, making me stare in shock. "Leave me alone."

He started to walk away and I grabbed his arm. He let out a small wince and I eyed him immediately, scanning his pale face for the emotion he was radiating.

His eyes were glossed over as he blinked them and looked down, waiting a second before looking back up at me.

"Let me go."

"No." I stated. "I want to help you."

"Let me go!" He yelled, ripping his arm out of my grip letting out another wince.

He stared at me in panic. I felt like an idiot as I realised what happened to him with that boy and I had just refused to let him go.

I reached forward but he stepped backwards instantly, looking paler than before.

"I'm sorry." I gushed.

"Please," He choked, his voice cracking at the end. "Please don't follow me."

I watched him walk off, not even looking behind him the whole way.

I waited by myself for a while before walking the other way home. I hugged my coat around me as I began to cry. I was such an idiot, I might have just taken our friendship back to how it was before.

I stepped into the house, red faced and hiccupping- not answering any questions- walking upstairs and getting in bed wanting to forget this whole day.

Why did things change so quickly?



byeee xx

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