Nightmare (The End)

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its been a while. you ready. ends here

Credit to Scott Cawthon.

Katie's POV


That's all I can see now. I can't hear anything but my own thoughts. What happened. Am I dead? I don't think I am? What if I am? The thought scared me.. but something whispered to me.

"Open your eye."

Initially confused by this, I complied and tried to open my eye, but for some reason I was unable. Why couldn't I? What was happening? However suddenly, my eye complied and it opened. Both of them. I was in the same place with them fighting. When I turned around, I saw them at it.

Goldie and Springtrap.

Once friends, now, not so much.

I staggered to my feet and peered around my surroundings. The phantoms were attacking Springtrap now as the others had all gotten taken out.

"Get off me! You're all worthless. That's why you got burnt and laid to die. So die again!" he said. "Not this time.." Freddy said. He tackled Springtrap and proceeded to tear him apart. A fire started inside of him and Bonnie ushered me out.

I was in the halls of the attraction, furious as ever. What is going to happen. What if they don't make it?

"Katie, you have to relax, it's going to be al-" Bonnie was cut off by a door opening. Springtrap stood there, fire in his eyes. He looked more destroyed, but the room behind him was burning. I ran to him and started banging on him, tears stinging my eyes. "You did this! It's all your fault!" He grabbed me but Bonnie ripped off his arms. He screamed in pain, his voice box cutting out and Bonnie ushered me away.

All I heard was Springtrap's pain-ridden voice and Bonnie's grunts as he tore him to parts. Bonnie came back and threw Springtrap's head to the ground. "He's gone. It's done."

"But what about the others! They aren't here! We have to get them!!" I exclaimed. Bonnie took my hand and he led me back to the door. I looked and the fire was still alive. We found them on the ground, motionless. One by one we dragged them out to the front.

We tried to wake them up but nothing was working. "Bonnie what if they don't wake up.. what if they're gone?" I said, now crying. "Hey, they're going to be alright, I need you to tru-"

He was cut off by the animatronics coughing.I was sparked with happiness that they were alright. They got up slowly and looked around. "Well, would ye look at that, we're alright.." Foxy said. "Yes, and it looks like Springtrap is done for.." Balloon Boy added. They all looked towards his lifeless body. Freddy walked towards his head and picked it up. He looked at it closely. "Hm.. yep looks pretty old," he said. Suddenly, the head shook and a head fell from it and landed with a thud on the ground.

Their eyes widened and looked down. A skull/bloody head was lying on the ground. Freddy dropped the head in suprise. "Um.. why was their a head in that?" Chica asked. The Marionette stumbled towards it and started pulling guts from Springtraps body. "Well.. here's organs." he said. They all looked disgusted. "So.. there was a body in him? But who?" Mangle said. "Fuckin' beats me, but its strange as hell anyway," Golden Freddy replied.

Then all of the sudden.. his body shuddered and it got up. he picked up his head and placed it back on. His eyes glowed and it happened. He had reactivated. We all backed up as he regained his senses. "I see you found the head. Wonderful. Now you know." he said. "Know what??" Freddy asked sternly. "The man.. in the purple outfit-"

"THE MURDERER." I yelled. They looked at me with confused dazes. "The man who murdered the children, was inside you." I said to quench confusion. He chuckled and grinned. "Precisely. Glad you know. Now it's time to die."

He slowly approached us, but Foxy wasn't afraid. He swung and his hook sliced into his head. Springtrap sighed and said, "Nice, now my face needs more fucking stitches. Thanks dickhead," Foxy sliced again and replied "Make that even more stitches,". Springtrap roared and jumped at Foxy but he stepped out of the way and Springtrap slammed to the ground. He got up but Mangle grabbed his neck from the ceiling. He grasped for air, but Balloon Boy came and stabbed his sign through him.

Springtrap fell down again, and Freddy approached him with a sharpened pole. He put his foot on Springtrap's neck and held him down. He raised the pole above his head. "Well, here's your end, Springy."

He was about to do it, when a spark of fire flew through the air. The entire place was catching on fire. Freddy dropped the pole and backed away. "Guys, we need to go now!" Chica said. We grouped and began running. I looked behind and saw Springtrap standing, as the fire consumed him, and he became a shadow before not being visible at all. I frowned,not sad but amused in a way, and ran from it. We ran through the halls as fire began swallowing the building whole.

I saw the artifacts becoming consumed in fire. All of these old things gone. Tears filled my eyes. Memories of the past with this company flooded my mind as all of these old artifacts burnt away. We found the final door and we ran towards the exit door. As we got closer, the phantoms began to vanish, and when I was right at the door, the only one I saw was Bonnie, but as I pushed through the door, they were all gone.

My vision grew hazy as I stumbled to the woods behind the building. I heard sirens growing closer to the location. I watched the building burn to the ground, and turned away as I entered the woods behind.

I got far into the woods where I heard shuffling in the distance. I turned my head to see a running Springtrap. He stopped and turned around and looked at me, his eyes glowing, before he turned around again and ran into the woods.

And that.. is when I fell to the ground, and watched the smoke flood the air, as I blacked out, once more.

The End

A Place For Him (BOOK 3 to WE REMEMBER A FACE LIKE YOURS SERIES) (Five Nights at Freddy's fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now