Chapter 5: School Sucks

Start from the beginning

Lily sits down in the front of the room next to Zoe.

The room seems to be divided, all of the girls are closer to the door on the left side. While the boys are on the right side closer to the window.

I notice most of the kids have cups on their desks.


Most of the ninja sit down in the back of the room, but not Naruto sits right next to Lily.

I looked around the room. There were posters and paintings everywhere. One said "The Beatles" while another said "I Have a Dream." I had no idea what any of this meant. But somebody else is bound to as Lily or Zoe later.

There were stickers on the blinds of the windows that said "essays."

We were all sitting down in our chairs and a girl came up to Neji. It was the red head. She pointed to his eyes and said...

"What are those?!"

The bushy haired girl and the hiding girl came behind her and said...

"Que son esos?!"

They high fived each other and went back to their seats, while the red head stayed with us.

Lily and Zoe came toward us as well.

"Que son esos?" Shikamaru asked.

"What are Spanish," Zoe replied.

"These are really good cosplayers, guys," The red head said.

"Hey, why don't you let the new kids borrow your notes?!" A booming voice spoke.

"Okay, Mr. Potluck," Lily replied.

"Don't kill anything," Zoe said before walking away.

What's that supposed to mean?

"Just do what the teacher says and you'll be fine," Lily warned.

The red head looked at Gaara for a while before also walking away.


Naruto POV

When Lily and Zoe got back to their seats, I looked at them. They both got out notebooks and a pencil.

I reached in my bag and grabbed one of the notebooks and a pencil that Lily had bought us all. I opened it up and looked back to them. I had absolutely no idea what we were doing, so I just did everything they did. They both looked at the board for a while, looked back at their paper, and started writing.

The board read:

-A word which combines the meaning of two words (or rarely, more than two words) etc.

There were a lot of words. Under the description of the...port-man-thingy there was more.

brunch-lunch and breakfast
A sport is an eating utensil that is a combination of a spoon and a fork.

I think I understand...kind of...maybe...possibly....not at all...

I looked back to Lily and Zoe and they smiled excitedly at each other before hurriedly writing on their paper.

I looked over at Lily's and it had many combinations of peoples' names. Oh. So that's how we do it.

I though about it for a second before remembering over the weekend, when all of the girls kept screaming about something. They called it a ship name.

Would that be one of them...?

I wrote it down. But I also out something else to be safe. Linner.

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