Chapter four: The Switch

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong, Jeff?" I sneered, glaring at him, "Don't like live kids?"

"Would you rather he be dead?" Jeff snapped with a low growl, careful not to wake Leon.

"Enough!" Alyx whisper yelled at the both of us, looking at Jeff weirdly, "If you're going to stay, you are not to harm my brother."

"Listen Babydoll..." Jeff smirked over at my best friend, "I don't tend to listen to orders... I tend to break rules..."

"That's the only rule that you will listen too," Alyx rolled her eyes with a hiss, "Or I'll simply just cut your balls off."

I couldn't help but snicker at her last comment. She was very protective over her little brother; her inner alarms must have been on extremely high alert with Jeff around her brother. Hell, I would be too.

"Oh-la-la!" Jeff purred, leaning in towards her, making me cautious, "You're already thinking of me in that way?!"

"In your dreams, psycho!" I replied for her, seeing her tense up.

"Mm..." Jeff backed off, licking his lips with a hungry glint in his eye, "I'll be sure to dream tonight then..."

I rolled my eyes, pulling my phone out and reading the text I had just received; it was my brother's number. Alright... I hate this, but I have to go home... I inwardly snarled as Jeff purred something else; it was too low for me to catch.

"Family wants me home..." I got to my feet, looking over at the trio on the opposite couch, "Do you want to come over at my house?"

"I'll be fine..." Alyx replied, glancing at a grinning Jeff, "I hope..."


Walking up the staircase to my porch, I opened the door, only to have a mouthwatering aroma to hit my nose; chicken soup. I tossed my laptop bag on the couch, before trotting to the kitchen. I don't understand how Alyx could be so calm around a sociopath, psychotic, mass murderer... I mentally listed off what Jeff was. On the stove was a boiling pot, luring me towards the wonderful smell of the soup; grabbing a spoon from a drawer, I uncovered the pot and dipped the spoon in the hot liquid.

"Nyra, will you ever stop eating?!" A deep male's voice caused me to stop in my tracks, "See? I did make the soup today."

I slowly turned around to face a man. He had brown hair that was slightly greying; his brown eyes glowed with pride and love. He seemed to be in his late thirties, wearing a striped black and yellow shirt; black pants to match, with white flip-flops. This was my father.

"D-Dad...?" I felt tears pricking at my eyes.

How the fuck is he here?! A couple of years ago, my father had been killed in a brutal car accident; he died at the scene, before ambulances or the police could arrive. It had been snowing that day; the roads were slick with black ice.

"What's wrong, Nyra?" Before I knew it, I was embraced by a tight hug from him, "Shh... I miss your mother too..."

What?! What's he talking about?! My mind screeched in fear. This man smelled exactly like how my father used to smell like; it was really him. I had to think fast; hugging him back tightly, I sniffled and looked up to him.

"I miss her a lot..." I pulled away, wiping my tears away, "The soup smells awesome."

"Well, I'd hope so," My father seemed glad to have the subject changed, "I've been slaving away, over this stove."

I laughed, hugging my dad once more before leaving him to continue cooking.

How the hell did they switch places...? What's going on...?

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