Comincia dall'inizio

"Well thats not that bad and if its faster then plane why not." He says already getting into it.

"But actually we do need to get a plane to cross the ocean. Thru the corridors I can only transport objects long distances since there inanimate not people though or animals. I got this from my dad hence the dark corridor name and it was originally for people and short distances. To do so it manipulates their thoughts and feelings but to far distances its to long and destroys their minds or else I would have done it that way." I finish the 101 basics of dark corridors for him.

"Ok so if I'm still on track, here were going to drive the cars in the portal thingy and arrive at the ends of Egypt, you then will teleport the cars to America and we go on plane to America, when we get there we go on car to the others..." He finishes with no expression on his face.

He pretty much sums up my plan perfectly...I hate to admit it but he's actually smarter than he looks.

"Yeah thats pretty much it unless you have something else in mind." I ask him then turn to Axel.

"But what if you get caught and I thought your mom said no more darkness and, and, and!!" He was running out of excuses and we were wasting time.

"Come on Axel its a new adventure and I can't have an adventure without my best friend," I then look at Ben and ask one more important question.

"He can come right?"

"Umm well I don-"

"Please, I can't leave him he'll die by himself and he's my best friend." Soon a previous conversation with his 'friend' Miki flashed thru his mind, thats when he gave in.

"I guess it alright just make sure he doesn't get in the way of important matters." I was going to take him anyways but asking mabey would have softened him. Axel by now felt like he was a stray dog found in the street and Karina was the child that found him and Ben was the father, and Karina just asked for permission to keep him...his face was worst than deadpanned to put it in words.

The next few hours wore spent preparing the trip. I had to say goodbye to my mother and from what I was told was I guess not to tell dad. I was walking to my moms garden and say her with a white medium box and her orchids, probably ready to plant some more.

"Hello dear is there something your going to do?" She asked right away I got a little suspicious there.

"What do you mean mom?" I say pretending like I didn't know what was it I was going to do.

"I had a dream that you wore going away, I didn't expect it to be soon but I prepared anyways." She then held out the box for me and lightly touching her soft tan skinned fingers to my pale ones. I didn't know how long I was going to be out but I already miss her feel.

"What's this?" I question the box in my hands.

"Its something I picked up from the market don't worry about it just go to your room and try them on honey."

"Thank you mother, but wait does...does dad know that you had that dream?" I ask a little afraid that it might be too late and he's waiting to stop us at the front or something.

"No I didn't but he is going to try and stop you dear and also, well never mind just go and try them on." She urged me forward to my room. With a smile I left for my room which of course Axel being there already.

"Look what my mom gave me." I say while pointing to the box in my hands is I set it on the dresser.

"Mom?" Axel asks sidetracked.

"Umm yeah, hello, red hair, brown eyes, tan skin, about yay high." I gesture to a little above my head. Why would he question this, its not like 'mom' would appear from the sky and totally appraise me or actually start loving me out of nowhere.

21st Century OdysseyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora