8. Cold

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Leo reached under a flowerpot near Reyna's door and pulled out a key. He opened the door and stepped inside. "Rey?" he called.

"Yeah?" she answered.

Leo walked into her small living room. Reyna was lying on the couch, tissues scattered across the floor and some sort of bridal show played on the TV. She looked miserable, red nose, pale face, and tired eyes.

"How you feeling?" he asked, putting a hand on her forehead. "Geez, you're burning up."

"Yeah, I feel like shit." Reyna muttered. "And this bride is seriously bitchy. She won't let her bridesmaids wear any purple. Purple is a pretty color!"

"Reyna, calm down. Do you want some soup?"

"Yes, I'm freezing. "

"Really? You're burning up though."

"No, I'm cold."

"Okay, you're cold," Leo muttered. He lazily heated up Reyna's soup while she yelled at the bride about choosing purple.

"She can't hear you, Rey," he said, knowing she didn't care but wanting to speak.

"Leo, could you put the soup in a cup so I can drink it?" Reyna asked.

"What? That's a little weird, you sure you okay?"

"Just give me my chicken noodle sickness curer."

He placed the cup of soup in her hands before sitting near her legs.

"Thanks, I'm freezing," Reyna said, curling her hands around the mug. Normal girls would have some strange coffee hot chocolate thing, but Reyna wanted soup in a cup. Figures.

"Come here then," Leo said, pulling Reyna towards him.

"Leo, I don't want you to get sick," Reyna protested.

"Just trust me."

Reyna relaxed a bit. "Wow, you're hot," she muttered.

"Ah, yes, that's what I'm told."

"Oh shut up. And I'm sick of this bride, put on something funny."

"Patience, Rey. Let the strangeness of Psych calm you."

"What the heck is Psych?" Reyna asked.

"Well, it's about this detective guy and he says he's a psychic but really he just notices things, oh and his name is Shawn, though it might be spelled Sean, and he has a funny friend named Gus and they scream a lot."

"Seems weird."

"It's funny!" Leo protested. "Plus in every episode there's a hidden pineapple and I've found them all,"

"That's nice," Reyna mumbled. "Could you get me some jelly beans?"

Leo nodded and entered her kitchen, pulling open the cupboard to Reyna's junk food stash. He grabbed Reyna's jellybeans and threw some Poptarts into the toaster for himself.

"Remember last time you had Poptarts here?" Reyna asked him when he sat down. She laid her head on his shoulder.

Leo laughed. "I may or may not have had a lot of coffee that day."

"Wait, what's happening?" Reyna asked, motioning to the TV.

"Um, that bald guy got murdered and Shawn/Sean and Gus got called in by the actual cops, Lassie and Jules, to investigate and now they're figuring out the crime. Just wait, someone's going to put a gun to Gus's head any second now and he'll use a conveniently placed wine bottle to knock him out once Shawn or Lassie break into wherever he is."

"Interesting. The blonde chick did it," Reyna noted.


"No, the one who was walking around behind baldy. She slipped something into her pocket just before he died and she was the first to leave when he died."

"Thanks, Rey. Now what do we look forward to?"

"You tell me, the pineapple just passed, it was on Shawn's desk. "

"Fine then. Wait till the psychic revel, they're hilarious."

Reyna sat up sneezed. "Ugh."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just sick and all." She coughed.

"Don't you take any medicine?"

"Medicine is for mundanes and muggles."

"What is a mundane."

"Someone from the human world."

"Okay then. I have some ambrosia if you want any."

"I'm fine."

"Reyna," Leo warned. "You know Octavian will come up some sort of work to give you to do even if you're not healthy."

"Please, he'll give me work even if I'm dying."

"Yeah..." Leo trailed off. They sat in silence and watched Psych reruns. Leo was braiding and unbraiding Reyna's hair.

"Leo, what are you doing?"

"Practicing my braiding skills."

"And why is that?"

"Because Piper won't let me braid her hair and the Aphrodite girls don't like me."

"Makes sense."

Reyna straightened her legs out and leaned her head back on Leo's shoulder. She closed her eyes and listened to Leo go on about Psych and hairstyling.

"Someone's tired," Leo noticed.

"Let me sleep."

Leo obeyed and shut up, watching TV and nibbling on his Poptart. Reyna's breathing slowed and evened out. Leo smiled and brushed her hair back from her face. He stood up slowly and gathered up the trash and dishes Reyna had lying around. He dumped it in the kitchen before returning to where Reyna was.

He slid an arm under her head and one under her legs before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to her small room. He laid her onto the bed and kissed her forehead.

"Feel better."

Leo shut off the TV and replaced the key in it's hiding place before leaving Reyna.

"Leo?" Reyna said when she picked up the phone.

"I'm sick."

Leo listened to her laugh. "I'll be there soon."

A/N: ahh well sorry about my lateness hahaha. btw i'll be posting every week a new story so stay tuned


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