she attached a picture to it and i favorited and retweeted it.

i liked it on instagram as well.

i texted ariana,

hey it's your favorite person!

i got an answer almost right away,


i laughed,


it was read and she replied,

ohhh right. no not my favorite but eh. you'll do.

i laughed,

real nice grande cappuccino.

pepe jumped up on the bed finally and snuggled into my side.

nice one fields. you coming to the record?

i sighed,

idk. should i? am i good enough?

right then, my phone rang and i smiled,

"hey beautiful."

"hey you. make it home good?" alison's voice said.

"very. pepe misses you though."

she laughed, "aw peps. i'll be there tomorrow."

"oh will you now?" i said and she giggled.

"yes ma'am. look. i wanted to talk to you em." alison said.


"ariana called me. she said she wants you to sign for scooter's label."

i groaned, "not you too."

"em you should do it. you have the talent. everyone heard it."

"i know but alison-"

"no stop. emily i know you are going to think of a million excuses to do this but i won't let you say one. do it. you're amazing and that sexy face and body deserve to be known. you'll be huge em."

i sighed, "i don't know-"

"babe. i know your boxing and run down house mean a lot to you, but wouldn't you like all of the fans, screaming your name in an arena? singing the words to your songs? everyone in the stadium, watching you? that adore you?"

i closed my eyes, imagining the dream i've had since i was a little girl.

i would pretend to be a famous rapper and singer.

i would put the stupid chains on my neck and the snap backs and play in front of my parents and they would laugh and sing along with the child songs and raps i came up with.

"it does sound pretty amazing."

"then emily do it! i know you want to! i saw the way your eyes shimmered while rapping on that stage. you love it. and you will be huge. i can promise you that."

i smiled, "i guess. yeah. yeah i'll do it."

"yes! i love you! night babe."

"night gorgeous." i hung up and went back to my messages, seeing ariana hounded me with texts.

are you kidding?! you're amazing!

emily fields please just say yes!

either way i am making you do that duet with me.

answer fields!




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