Amar speeds down roads because of Tris needing medical help as quickly as it is possible.

I pray she'll make it until we get to the Erudite doctors.

Every few seconds a cry escapes her lips and she tries to hide even more in my shirt.

I can only believe the pain she is going through right now.

The only thing I can do is to make her feel as safe as possible and hope that that will calm her down a little.

But it doesn't seem to be helping.

I pray that she will be able to keep her leg.

That some day she will be able to walk on her own two feet.

I finally coaxed her to let me pick her up and gently carry her out of that building. No matter how gentle I tried to be, she still was crying in agony and trembling like crazy.

She's tried to pull the knife out multiple times, but everyone has told me to avoid her touching her leg; especially trying to take the knife out.

It could injure her more if she does try and get it out. The doctors at Erudite will know a way to do it safely.

At least I hope they will.

Again, her hand starts to trail blindly down her leg. Cautiously, I gently remove her bloody hand from her leg and hold it in mine. I gently stroke the back of her hand with my thumb .

For the first time since she's been back with me, she looks up at me; still semi in fear, but she just looks at me, almost as if trying to tell me something through her eyes.

I wish I could know what she was saying. Maybe then I could help her; calm her, whatever she needs.

Carefully, I lean in and gently press my lips to her dirt covered forehead.

It takes her a second, but then I see the knowing look in her eye change.

She trembles.

Hides her face in the crook of my neck and just sobs.

I look in the drivers mirror and see Amar give me a sad somewhat-smile.

I can tell he too has no clue what to do.

I hold her close to me and stroke her now long, blonde hair that I pulled out of a really messed up ponytail a little while ago.

I tried to put it back in but she kept shaking her head, so I took that as a sign she wanted it down.

"It's okay. You're safe with me. It's okay." I mumble.

I just hope she can make it the four hour car ride we have to Chicago.

* * *

The truth is that all of these people are alive.

They were always alive.

We were told, and convinced that they were all dead, to never return.

But that just wasn't the truth.

The truth is that they were all kept hostage by a sick man in a building used as an old, underground prison back many, many years ago when the land was called America.

That prison held one hundred one people hostage for almost four years.

They all suffer some kind of injuries,

Physical, mental, or an extreme of both.

We saved all of them; all one hundred and one.

But little did we know, that was the easy part.

It's going to be a rough journey of healing for the rest of them.

But they all are safe now,

And that's the main thing.

The truth is that they all have been alive this time,

But their battle isn't over yet.

They may be safe, but they've all been damaged almost beyond repair.

The truth is that Tris has been alive.

The truth is that we all need a little more hope in our lives to survive what comes next.

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