Changed 15 "The Nightmare"

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"Do you think I'll past the exam?" asked a nervous looking Austin. "Of course! You're pretty smart and everything there's no reason for you not to pass. Trust yourself." I said, patting him in the back. He smiled at me and we walked towards the school's halls. People were all looking at me pike they have never seen me before. Well maybe, they have but they never really paid attention to me. Who would? I looked down to my feet and held my books closer to my chest. My mind was on overdrive again and started over thinking about well—everything.

Did I look alright? Was I too awkward? Am I walking funny?  My head seems to be on a loop that I didn't even realized I was murmuring to myself. I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder and then I remembered I was with Austin. He looked at me with eyes full or concern. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. Even if I truly wasn't. I have never been in that place in my life. "Relax, they're just people." He laughed as he high-fives a couple of seniors. I blushed. I hope I wasn't embarrassing him. Ryan came striding with us fist bumping Austin and placing an arm around him. I suddenly remembered what he told me the other day in Starbucks about Austin.

I looked over to Austin and he was caught in conversation with Ryan that I just ignored the thought. I spotted Teri leaning by our lockers with a book in her hand. "Got to go. Teri's waiting." I quickly said and walked away. Ryan waved goodbye while Austin smiled.
"I wasn't really waiting for you." Teri said with a mischievous grin. "Shut up." I said half smiling.

After classes, Austin ran towards me holding up a sheet of paper. A big letter A- written in red ink on top of it. I grinned and jumped up and down. He lifted me up and spun me around sending fireworks all over my body. He gave me a tight embrace smiling from ear to ear. It felt so good to have helped him. It was very fulfilling seeing him succeed. "I did it! I cant believe it!" He exclaimed still looking at his test paper. "I told you could do it!" I said. He took my hand and squeezed it. 'For once, I felt Like I did something right." He smiled at me and for a minute we just stood there—ignoring people and their remarks.

* * *

My dream started a little like this, I was left alone in the park where Austin brought me. I was crying..My beautiful dress torn, my hair messed up and my make up ruined. I was left there alone with no one to be with until, I saw a tall figure coming straight to my direction.

I stood up and jumped with excitement for it was Austin. He looked as handsome as ever. . I gave him a tight hug and buried my face into his chest. He smelled of camomile and honey, perfect. I felt safe right in his arms—like I could stay there forever. "Thank you for coming for me... I love you." I said looking up to his eyes. His eyes were grim and sad like he was telling me something.
"No... you're making a mistake leave me!" he yelled swatting my hands away from him. I took a step back and tears started streaming down my face. He ran away from me leaving me alone in the rain.

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