Changed 25 "Trapped"

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I started the day with a smile. I sat on my bed with my hair all tangled up but I didn't care. I didn't want to screw my day, so I got up and took a shower. As soon as I got out of the bathroom I quickly chose my clothes. I want to look pretty today.Austin told me he'll be picking me up today so I have to look great.

I took my black long sleeves and paired them with my pastel pink skirt and to top my look, I ended it with my pastel pink doll shoes. I brushed my hair over and over and pinned my tiny bangs to the side letting it slide a little bit. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and went downstairs to see my mom humming and dancing by herself. I snorted.

"Good morning love." she greeted me. I sat opposite to her and noticed a red sweater on top of the counter. It must have been George's. "Is this Georgie's sweater?" I asked with a smirk and she blushed. "Uhm, he came here last night." She said placing a waffle on my plate. I crossed my arks and raised an eyebrow. "And what did you guys do?"
"Goodness Allison, we just drank wine and watched a movie!" She said her expression completely laughable. She nudged my shoulder and pinched my cheek.

It was nice to see my mom all flustered about her boyfriend. Shes still young and all that, she deserves to be happy. Moments later, I finished my waffle just in time for Austin to pull up. I squealed and mom clapped her hands and escorted me out.

As usual, Austin was five minutes early. He looked handsome in his red and white baseball tea, skinny jeans, and Chucks. He was holding flowers and I smiled to myself. He walked to our front porch and kissed my Mom. "Good Morning Mrs. Grey" he said handing Mom the flowers. Damn, I thought it was mine. He eyed me and raised an eyebrow before kissing my cheek. "You have a better one inside the car." He whispered to my ear and I laughed.

"Bye you love birds!" Said my Mom and we waved goodbye. Austin opened the car door for me careful not to stain my skirt. His eyes darted to me "What?" I chuckled putting my phone down and leaning back. "Why are you like that?" he asked his green eyes gleaming. "Like what?" I said.

"Like, amazing." he smiled kissing me on the cheek and starting the engine. I ruffled his hair and whispered something to his ear. "I love you." I said planting a kiss on his right cheek he turned red instantly and cranked up the radio's volume.

* * *

We arrived school a minute before the bell rang he escorted me to my first class and he went to his. As I was walking towards the door I bumped into someone probably the second time now. I looke up and saw a familiar grin it was the annoying Craig. "Hey, Allison. Long time no see." he said leaning against the door. "Leave me alone." I snapped.

"Heard you and Austin are dating now.' he said complete boredom in his voice. "Yah, and so?" I sneered opening my Biology book. "Still feisty are you?  Well a little fly told me that your little love, is hiding something." he said. My eyes went straight to him–a look of confusion and interest. His faced contorted into a smirk. "What do you mean?" I said trying not to sound interested but I really was. He was always telling me this and it has always made me queasy.

"Oh, you don't know yet? well, I'll leave all the talking to him." he said taking of. My patience can't take it anymore I balled up my right hand and moved forward to pull his collar. "Craig!" I called out. Craig turned looking completely content of himself. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. I suddenly felt the urge of vengeance and anger and all came into a punch knocking Craig down.

Craig feel to the floor. He reached for his bloody and broken nose. "You little bitch!" he barked standing up but, his friends grabbed hold of him. People started to close in on us, all eyes on me and my bloody hand. They were all eyeing me badly leaving there remarks to themselves. "I'll get you for this, you and your little boyfriend!" He yelled as he pointed a finger to me.

"Can you believe her?" someone said from the crowd. They were all glaring at me and I could feel my heart beating fast. The halls seemed to be closing in on me, I was panicking and I needed Austin to calm me down. "What is going on here?" Mr. Rodriguez said, his voice booming all over the hallway. "Ask her sir!" said Craig. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I said completely panicked. Craig stood up blood flowing through his broken nose when suddenly Austin came running to the scene eyes angry. He threw his bag away and clutched Craig's collar saying: "What did you do to her?" he said I stepped forward but Craig's friends cut me off,

"Your girlfriend." one of his friends said pointing at me. Austin's eyes trailed down to my bloody fist. His eyes filled with confusion as he mouthed the words "Why?" I shook my head. I was completely angry and I let my emotions take control of me and I guess, I took the wrong turn. I was asked to go the principal's office and I followed biting my lip as I did—nervous.

The principal shook his head and placed a finger to his chin. "I–I couldn't believe it. You of all people, caused a scene like that. Why?" He said finally sitting down to level me. I was disappointed at myself and of all my choices. Theres no hiding that what I did was wrong but, at the moment I felt like it was the right thing to do. "You are to do cafeteria duty for a week." He said, his voice low and disappointed. "What is going on with you these days? Is it some boy?" He asked and I couldn't answer. He finally let me leave, as I went outside. Teri, Ryan, and Austin were all there standing to wait for me. Teri pulled me into a tight hug. "This is just another bump on the road, you can do this." She said cupping my face, I nodded as I gave her a forced little smile. Ryan patted my back while Austin simply stared at me; like I was a different person.

* * *

"What were you thinking?" Austin suddenly asked as he was driving. I woke up from my daze and focused on him. His eyes were fixed on the road but, I could tell he was angry. "Its Craig, he has been harassing me for as long as I could remember–and he was doing it again awhile ago. He even mentioned you and that made me angrier." I explained looking outside the window. I was embarrassed because of all the people, it was Austin that I didn't want to talk to about that matter even if I do need him. I looked outside the window, determined to avoid Austin's angry gaze. He cleared his throat "So you did that because of me?" He said sounding a little annoyingly.

"Yes! Okay, it was all for you. He was calling you things and it was hurting me." I said my eyes starting to water. "You didn't have to do that for me! I can do shit on my own, and most of all I can handle Craig!" He said his voice loud and angry. I couldn't take it anymore. I have always felt like I was never doing things right for him but, now it just ticks me off.

I looked over at him and his expression was obvious–pissed. "What do you expect your girlfriend to do?" I snapped as I was angry, depressed, and tired. "I expect you to leave my battles alone." He said coldly. I gasped and rolled my eyes at him.
"This isn't just about you." I replied.
"And neither is it about you, too." He quickly snapped back ticking me off. "This is not you Alli." He said stopping the car. It really wasn't me. Ever since I met Austin, I was automatically this new person. "I know. I am so much more because of you."

He locked eyes with me and for the first time, he was tearing up. I wanted to wipe his tears away and lace my arms around him but, it wasn't easy. "No–cant you see? I made you this horrible person! I don't deserve you." He said stepping outside of the car. I watched him from the window as he tried to calm himself down. His cheeks were red, he places his hands to his head—helpless.

Quietly, I stepped outside of his car. I stood in front him as tears fall from his eyes. I reached for his hand and held it. "Do you think theres hope for us?" He asked sadly.

I do, I believe there still is. I place a hand to his face and pressed my lips to his which he accepted. "Yes, I do. I believe that there is hope for you and I." I whispered. He took my hand and placed it to his chest. "This is crazy." He said with a chuckle and I smiled "People do crazy things when they're in love." I said and we stood there wrapped in each other's arms and having no care in the world—for the world has stopped for the both of us again.

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