Changed 12 "Leaves"

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I still wasn't over with the whole 'kid thing'

Was I really just a kid to him? A young and naive little girl who doesn't know her way with the world? I felt stupid for some reason. All the while I thought I was something special to him, like a person he's alike too. But, maybe there really isn't something there. I was just making it all up in my head.

Teri and I were at Starbucks studying for our Science Class. I had my book and laptop with me for my papers just like Teri. She looked me with furrowed eyebrows "Are you okay?" She asked taking a sip from her latte. I shrugged. "Is this Austin again?" She asked and I really wanted to say no but, she was right it was Austin.
"I'm sorry Teri, I just cant get over it." I said looking at my Science book flicking the pages. Teri took my hands and looked at me, her eyes beady and sincere. "With all due respect to you my dear friend, stop stressing about him too much. Live your life. Your life doesn't revolve around Austin you know?"
As much as I hate to admit it, she had a point. I should stop worrying about him too much. I should just focus on building myself up, and not him. I take a long deep sigh "Yeah, I guess your right." I said gloomily.
Teri smiled "By the way, you don't have to hide your feelings for him from me. I know it."
I nudged her shoulder "Stop! For the nth time, I do not have feelings for Austin."
"Yeah okay. Oh and yes, the whole 'kid' thing.. Im sure that meant nothing." She said with a shrug. For a moment, I forgot about the whole message thing. Maybe, I was overreacting a little. But why though? I am in no particular place to overreact about a silly little text message.

The afternoon went on and Teri and I continued studying. I was sipping my latter when all of a sudden, I saw Ryan walking up inside the shop. He immediately saw me before I could even hide. He walked to our table and sat next to Teri who suddenly stiffened at Ryan's presence. "So, lovely afternoon were having huh?" He said with a huge grin plastered across his face. "We were studying." I said and that made Ryan blush a little. He knew he interrupted something but, being Ryan he just went with it.

He ordered a Matcha Green Tea and a pastry and sat with us. He said he liked peer tutoring and that it makes it easier. But, what was supposed to be all Academics suddenly morphed into a afternoon hang-out.

"So, I call Austin out on the phone and he doesn't say a word or shit." Ryan laughed making Teri and I laugh too. Ryan wiped a tear in his eye and sighed. His cheeks were red and his dirty blonde hair sticking up. "Typical Austin Davis. So complicated." He said and snapped me a look which I completely ignored. "So.." He purred and I already knew where the topic was going.
"You and Austin have been hanging out quite often." He said making me churn. Teri looked excited and placed her hands beneath her chin as if she was a nine year old in Christmas morning. I cleared my throat to answer "yeah, we've been talking." I said nonchalantly but Ryan can read ones head too easily. "Yeah, I know-I know. But, tell me more. Like, have you got out of that zone?" He joked nudging Teri's shoulder to ride along with him. Teri blushed.
"What zone? There is no..." Really Alli? No zone? I stopped and just shrugged and Ryan raised his hands in comprehension. "Alright, I get it. But, you have to know this. I haven't seen my boy Austin this happy in a long time." He smiled and gave me a wink. I didn't know what he was on about but, that sure did make me a little jolly. Some part of me hopes that I am the reason behind his happiness. And some part of me wants to keep it that way.

It was already 7 o clock which wasn't the time we really intended. Ryan dropped Me and Teri at my house and drove away. Red and orange leaves were scattered on the lawn while pumpkins are displayed around each houses. "Well, he was nice right?" I smiled raising an eyebrow over at Teri who was smirking. "Yes, he was."
"Ryan and Teri sitting on a tree..." I chanted and Teri rolled her eyes at me pushing me to the pile of leaves. She wrestled me in, and I did too. For 5 foot 5 Teri was strong. But a 5 foot 2 like me wont have it any other way. We rolled along the leaves screaming and panting. "Damn, I love these moments." She said breathless. I smiled to myself "Me too."

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