He has her curled up on the floor, at a closer look it seems that she's handcuffed to a ring sticking out of the wall, whereas he is looming over her.

I want to look away, although i'd rather run in and help her, but neither choices are made by my mind.

I watch as he picks something up, I'm not sure what it is but as he lifts it above his head and slams it down, the sound of a whip is greatly distinguishable, followed by a cry of pain.

"It's against pack law for a humans to speak!" I see him spit close to her ear. The word human comes out of his mouth with a high dose of disgust.

I cringe as he grabs her small face in his hand and throws it down onto the floor.

My own hand goes up to my face as the thought of someone doing that to me circles through my mind. My heart fills with guilt as small drops of water fall from her face.

'We we will not be like that.' I agree with Allia, my mind on getting a human now securely set, when I get one, I will care and love them, I definitely won't lay a harmful hand on them.

'We must go or else we will be seen, don't worry, we can save her later.' I nod at Allia's advise, she's right I can't stay here. If I'm caught he'll likely try to do that to me.

Standing up I walk away from the scene. Hating myself for it, but I know I will make it up to her some way. I promised myself a long time ago I would help her.

The moment I reach the stairs my parents begin ushering me out of the house and into a car.

"We're going to late sweety, they've already postponed the auction because of your earlier incident, they're not likely to do it again."

Because of my previous negativity towards getting a human, I ignored everything my Father told me about it. But now I need to know what's going to happen. "How does this work again?"

My Father looks rather tired, but he still gives and explanation, " because you are my daughter you can pick who ever you want. Once they enter the circle if you want them you say so and then it's yours, no one can bid against you." I nod at him, letting him know I understand.

I still believe it's horrible that a life can be auctioned. I don't know how I would feel if mine was to be.

As we arrive the car doors are instantly opened, and we are rushed inside, much to my annoyance.

"See you nearly made us late." My Mother always has to be right.

'That's a Mother's job' Allia seems to think the same way. 

My arrival is announced to everyone, along with my right to outbid. Although that does give me a few horrid looks off of some very shady looking people.

Drinks and fancy looking food is served, and then the auction begins. One by one humans enter the circle, their details are given out then a war of the highest number starts, until the highest is no longer outbid and then the next human comes out.

It's not until a particular human enters the circle do I pay any attention to what's going on.

"Here we have Thomas, aged at eighteen, not much to look at, has been repeatedly bought and used, known to be very obedient and has been trained into wearing a collar and many other items."

After his details are given, numbers are  rapidly called out. I look at the ones bidding on him and I can't help but shudder, not one of these will treat him right, the way he was described sounds like he is being sold as a sex slave, and it seems most of the buyers are male who I would run a mile from.

Although it's not just that, there's just something about him that makes me want to protect him, he has a look in his eye, as if he's given up. He looks like he's dead inside, and somewhat outside from his highly visible bones. But he's only two years older than me, he shouldn't be dead inside, he should be at his prime. My chest aches to know this.

The numbers have risen, I glance up at my Mother who gives me a funny look, she knows what I'm about to do, but her face pleads me not to, buying a weak sex slave will hurt the packs reputation, as they are easily noticeable and give off a bad aura to other packs.

'Do it.' Allia helps me in my decision.

I stand up and raise my hand. "I want this one!" My voice is loud and clear while my heart thunders in my throat. I receive looks of death from many who were bidding. But they mean nothing to me.

I take another look at Thomas, he has his head slightly upwards looking at me, but his face is a picture of horror. It hurts me inside because I know that he thinks I'll mistreat him. As he is dragged away by the lead attached to his collar, I am politely guided away.

We are taken to a door and are told that he is behind it, when I am ready I may enter and take him home.

But as I do, I witness the one thing I hate.

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