Chapter 22: Stress Reliever

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¤Your POV¤

"Good morning beautiful." I kissed Lauren quickly and she smiled.

"Last night was amazing." She plopped back down into the bed and I got on top of her. "I have to go to an interview, do you want to come?" I asked and Lauren lazily kissed me.

"Can I sleep a little longer?" Lauren said as she started drifting off to sleep. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Take the day off. I'll be back in a few hours." I grabbed her leather jacket and slipped it on. I went outside and got in Shay's car, she started driving and I rested my head against the window.

"I love you."
"I love you too." I kissed Lauren's shoulder as I let my fingers graze over her tattoo. She looked at me lovingly and I couldn't help but smile. She leaned in slowly and I closed my eyes. Her lips touched mine and I felt extremely light headed. It awed me that Lauren still had that affect on me.

My mind was invaded with memories of last night, I tried to hold back my smile but I couldn't.

"What's got you all smiley, huh?" Shay asked. I gulped and gave her a little shrug.

"You totally had sex with Lauren." Shay pulled over and my eyes widened. "Your slouching but in a good way. I don't know how to explain it but your shoulders are down and you seem more relaxed. That smile on your face was different, it was like you were thinking about someone. You lost your v-card last night, didn't you?" Shay looked directly at me and I gave her a nervous smile.

"You're the one who's in love with Ally." The words slipped out of my mouth and Shay's smile faded away. She gulped and I smirked.

"You should go after her! I give you the stamp of approval." I kissed her cheek before getting out of the car. I ran inside the building and looked around for Chelsea.

"Y/N over here!" Chelsea waved at me and I ran towards her. I picked her up and spun her around.

"My favorite interviewer! How are you?" I put Chelsea down and she kissed my cheek. "Now that you're here, I'm fine!" Chelsea put her arm around my waist and looked at the camera.

"Are you ready to answer some fan questions?" She asked happily and I nodded.

"How many tattoos do you have?" Chelsea asked as she threw the card behind her. I smirked and looked at her.

"I actually have two tattoos. The kiss on my neck and now I have Lauren's name on my shoulder, long story short I was intoxicated." I took Lauren's leather jacket off and threw it over my shoulder. Chelsea giggled at the story and turned me around to face her.

"That's adorable! I love it. Show the camera!" Chelsea patted my back and I smiled. I walked in front of the camera and showed my tattoo.

"Next question is....what was your favorite fan moment?" I stood beside Chelsea and thought about at the moments I've had with my fans.

"Well honestly my most heartfelt moment was when one of my fans, I remember his name was Zachary. I was at the airport and he jumped the barricade, he told me that I saved his life. I was beyond amazed on how one person could save thousands of lives. I'm incredibly happy that my music can have that effect on people. To all my fans watching, I love you so much. Don't hurt yourselves, please, I can't stress it enough. Just remember that I love you. To be honest I think I love you more than I love Lauren." I smiled at the camera and blew a kiss. Chelsea nudged me and whispered into my ear.

"Lauren is going to kill you for saying that." I shrugged and smirked. I bit my lip and winked at the camera. Chelsea flipped through the cards and finally asked the last question.

"Have you written another song?" Chelsea asked and I felt my heart drop. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and shook my head 'no'.

"I have one month to write a song, so you can say I'm in the process of writing one. I already came up with chords and the beat. All I can tell you is that this song is probably going to top the charts." I spoke confidently and Chelsea nodded.

"I can't wait to hear it. Thank you for coming and I'll be waiting for that new song of yours." Chelsea kissed my cheek and I gave her a quick hug. I walked out of the building and got bombarded by paparazzi.

"Y/N, can you please say something to your fans about self love and self respect?" A girl asked and I smiled. I grabbed her microphone and stopped walking.

"Can you all give me some space please?" I asked politely and everyone stepped aside.

"Like I just said in my interview, I love my fans very much. If anyone of you are having some self esteem issues, just keep in mind that no one is perfect. I have flaws and so does everyone around you but you've got to love yourself, make sure you're comfortable in your own skin." I kissed the camera and ran as fast as I could. I jumped into Shay's car and she sped off.

"I asked Ally out." My head snapped towards Shay and I started hyperventilating. She smiled and rolled the window down.

"Get some air before you pass out." Shay said jokingly and I hit her arm. "What'd she say?" Shay smiled and so did I.

"We're going on our first date tonight so we'll see how things go." Shay pulled over and waved me off.

"Text me later, mom." I winked and got out of the car before she could grab me. I ran inside the house and into my music room or as I like to call it, my 'mini studio'. I grabbed my notebook and sat down, I couldn't come up with any lyrics and it was a bit frustrating.

"You didn't even stop by to give me a kiss, I was waiting for you." Lauren wrapped her arms around my neck and I groaned.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked and I sighed. I stood up and put my hands on her waist.

"Laur, let's go upstairs and watch some movies. I'm kind of stressed out." I pecked her lips and she bit her lip.

"Maybe I can help you with that."

I Don't Believe You [Lauren/You]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora