Chapter 8: Putting On A Show

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Your POV
We stayed like that until I saw a camera flash.

I pulled away from Lauren and looked over her shoulder. There were paparazzi surrounding us. How did they get in here? I thought to myself. I looked over at the gate that separated everyone from us. The paparazzi were climbing the gate and running towards me and Lauren.
"Holy shit!" Lauren yelled out. I pulled her inside the bus and slammed the door shut. I felt the bus start rocking back and forth so I pulled Lauren close to me.

"Earthquake!" Ally shouted as she jumped onto Normani's back. Camila opened the curtain and camera flashes blinded all of us.

"It's not an earthquake it's the paparazzi trying to murder us!" Camila yelled as she covered her eyes. Dinah managed to pull the curtain back and we all sat in the back of the bus waiting for the paparazzi to calm down. We waited a few minutes but the rocking of the bus got even worse. I called Shay and after one ring she picked up.

Y: Shay! We need help now. We're trapped in the bus, the paparazzi are surrounding us!
S: I'm on my way, hang on. Give me two minutes and everything will be cleared up, just stay in the bus.
Y: Where else am I gonna go?
S: Don't get all sassy with me I am your rescue afterall.

Shay ended the call and I opened the curtains. I saw Big Rob and a few other security guards pushing the paparazzi away from the bus. There was no more people surrounding us so I let out a sigh of relief. Shay barged in the bus panting, she put her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

"Get your asses in the car! We need to get to the airport before it gets crowded. Don't worry about your bags, I have everything under control now MOVE!" Shay said out of breath and we all ran to her car. Shay obviously sat in the driver's seat with Ally beside her. I sat in the back in between Camila and Lauren while Dinah was pressed against the window with Normani on her lap. Shay started driving and she kept on taking sharp turns making me lean towards Camila.

"Can you move!" Dinah said with an annoyed look on her face. Lauren sat on my lap and I instinctively put my arm around her waist so she wouldn't topple over if Shay made a sharp turn.

"Thank you!" Dinah said sarcastically as she plopped back into her seat. Camila kept stealing glances at me so I intertwined our hands. After a long twenty minute drive we arrived at the airport. We had a few minutes until our flight left so I bought a few bags of candy and handed it out to my fans.

"Can you please sign my forehead?" A blonde haired girl asked. I laughed at her request but I took the the permanent marker from her hand and wrote my name on her forehead. I took a few pictures with my fans until someone caught my eye. I carried her over the barrier and she gave me the widest smile I have ever seen.

"You are so adorable, what can I do for ya?" I asked the little brunette girl and she put out her hand. I highfived her and she did a little cheer. I took off the bracelet I was wearing and put it on her.

"You're awesome!" The little girl cheered and I laughed softly.

"No, you're awesome." I tickled her and she started laughing hysterically. Shay came over to me and pulled me by my arm.

"Sorry y/n but we have to go." Shay dragged me away and I waved goodbye to my fans. She pulled me inside the plane and I took a seat next to the window. Lauren came and sat beside me while Shay took a seat in the isle across from us. Everyone boarded the plane and took their seats.

"We are taking off, please put on your seatbelts and put away all electronics." I heard the flight attendant say. I felt the plane move and I opened the blind of the window to reveal the amazing view. I looked over at Lauren who had her eyes shut tight.

"Lauren?" I asked worriedly and she opened her eyes.
"I'm scared of heights." Lauren let out a shaky breath and I put my hand over hers.
"Let's play a game, let's see who can embarrass each other the most." I offered and Lauren nodded.

"I'll start." I said confidently. I smirked at Lauren and looked over at the man sitting beside her. I tapped his shoulder and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry to bother you sir but my friend over here told me to ask you, if you by any chance have any pads or tampons because she's bleeding. If ya'know what I mean." I explained to the man and he shook his head. Lauren's face was red and she punched my arm lightly. I laughed softly and she whispered in my ear,"Watch this." I watched Lauren as she stood up and pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Look lady, I don't care how much you want it, I will not have sex with you in the bathroom!" Lauren shouted feigning anger,everyone's heads snapped towards us and I felt slightly embarrassed but I wasn't going to let her win so I stood up and put my hand on her shoulder.

"You know you want me, you're just playing hard to get. Meet me in the bathroom baby, I'll be waiting." I said loud enough for the passengers to hear me. I went inside the bathroom and after a few minutes I went back to my seat. The moment I sat down Lauren pressed her lips against mine, I moaned loudly earning the attention from passengers. People started whispering to each other and I felt my face get hot.

"I'm gonna stay here until they stop staring." I said as I dug my head into Lauren's shoulder.

"I win." Lauren stated happily and I rolled my eyes. I rested my head on Lauren's shoulder, I felt my eyelids grow heavy so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Lauren's POV
I heard y/n snoring lightly, I squealed at how adorable she looked. I grabbed a strand of her hair and tickled her nose.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open and she pecked my lips.

"Laur baby...let me sleep, I'm so tired." Y/N said sleepily and I gave her a quick kiss. She rested her head on my shoulder and drifted off to sleep. I sighed happily and watched her as she slept.

"You make me happy." I whispered in her ear assuming that she was asleep but to my suprise she opened her mouth to talk.

"You make me happy too."

A/N: I'm having some trouble keeping up with school and writing two books at a time so I'm sorry if I don't update as frequently as I usually do. I'll update at least once a week and if I don't, I'll do a double update to make up for it. Thanks for reading another chapter of my book, I love you guys.

I Don't Believe You [Lauren/You]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu