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It had been 2 days. 2 days since the dreaded day. A day which was both a nightmare and relief for many. A day which would be written in both the histories of Vampire and Werewolf. Knowing the true identity of their superior was more than a surprise the werewolf pack. They were hurt, betrayed by their own blood. Well kind of their own blood. But now they couldn't do anything. The superior paid the price for his sin. The deed was done.


"Yeobo?" Crystal heard a soft whisper, arms immediately wrapping around her waist giving her a back hug. A smile formed on Crystal's face as she could feel the warmth of her mate, making her comfortable.

"Are you ok?" asked Jeongmin as he could sense Crystal's uneasiness. Crystal sighed not replying for a whole minute, then turning around looking at her mates beautiful eyes,

"I just wish they were here. I wanted them to meet my mate, see me turn as a full wolf, be proud of their daughter. I wish I could hear my sister's happy giggles, make her hair again, I wish th-"

"Hey hey hey, Crystal, Babe" Jeongmin started as he cupped her face with his hands, wiping her tears with his thumb, his eyes mirroring her pain, "Don't cry jagi, I know that it pains you, I know it's hard but I'm here Crystal, I'm here to ease your pain, I'm here to give you strength. Though they are far away but I'm sure they are looking after you, they are proud of you Crystal. You gave them justice; you proved that you are daughter of a warrior. That you have the blood of a true Alpha. They will be more than proud jagi and more than that they will now be at peace."

Jeongmin reassured his beloved, Crystal's eyes glowing with happiness making Jeongmin proud of himself. Crystal was more than thankful to moon goddess for blessing her with a mate like Jeongmin. "I Love You" Crystal whispered, making Jeongmin heart swell with love, "I love you more" he mumbled softly sharing a small loving peck with his beloved. Their foreheads touching as they looked at each other with Love and adoration, sharing each other's warmth under the comforting moonlight.

"As much as I want to stay like this, we have to head back babe" Jeongmin stated, crystal looked at her mate in confusion, tilting her head to the side.

"Superior Jongin is here, we should head back." Informed Jeongmin. Nodding in agreement crystal followed Jeongmin to their living room.


"How are you feeling Luz?"

"Never been this better" she replied to the superior who gave her a happy smile then looking back at the brothers.

The superior decided to visit them after dealing with all the damages the fight had caused and also after dealing with the council. Today he was here not as there superior but as their father.

"Superior did you talk to the alpha about Luz?" asked a worried Kwangmin holding his beloved closer to him.

"I have talked to the Alpha Council, She is your Beloved now so they have no right to take her back to their pack, so all your belongings will be given back to you by tomorrow and with that Your Dad's House is owned by you now as per his will." Superior informed.

The family sighed in relief; Kwangmin looked at Luz with nothing but happiness, Luz mirroring him. They could now be happily together.

"But What I don't understand is why Luz was mistreated by her own pack?" Minwoo asked looking at the others in confusion. Kwangmin looked at Luz with worried eye, Luz knew she had to tell them after all they were her family now; she looked at her mate with a reassuring smile, shaking all the worries Kwangmin had.

"That's because I'm not a Wolf" she said, immediately making all heads turn to her, all attention on her. "What!? How can that be possible, your parents were wolf's, how can you not be?" Youngmin questioned

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