Chapter 5

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So sorry for the late update, I hope this Long Chapter will make up for it.. a lot is going to happen in this chapi,

Pic of Kwangmin ->>


It had been a week since Donghyun explained everything to his Brothers, it was a shock for all of them, the five 5 of them realized that they didn’t know much about the past as much Donghyun hyung knew, now they understood why their brother was so protective over a girl he just met, even though they weren’t quite happy with the fact that a werewolf lived in their household, they knew it was their duty to help her because off everything her family had done for them and of all the pain they had gone through. Things changed a lot in these 7 days, the 5 of them tried to be as co-operative as possible with Crystal, helped her if she needed any not that she would ask their help much. They realized that for a werewolf she wasn’t that bad, in fact she was quite a shy person, never talked much, always would be in her room doing god knows what. The only person she would actually communicate was Donghyun. It was like they had some connection. With him she didn’t even have to talk, just by mere action he would understand what she wants, some were surprised by this, some confused and some annoyed.

Crystal was quite calm now, she was pleased that the brothers were trying to get along with her, even if she wanted to communicate more she couldn’t, she was too shy to do it. But she silently learned all about them, Donghyun was the oldest of them and also like a father figure to them, he was a very responsible older brother, though he had some moments of silliness but they weren’t much. The second was Hyunseong who with a Purple–Brown hairs (A/N Im Not good at describing hair colors, I apologize, but I would post pics of them so No worries ;) ) had a well built body and a very mysterious personality, he would not talk much but took care of many responsibilities in the house, then there was Jeongmin, she didn’t know much about him, he would try to be as far away from her as possible, they haven’t talked much, she had seen Jeongmin goofing around with his brothers many times but not when she was around, she didn’t know why but it hurt her, but she couldn’t blame him, he was just trying to get used to the fact that there was a wolf in their house, or she wish she could call herself that. After Jeongmin there was Yongmin and Kwangmin, sure they both were twins but totally opposite character, Yongmin always had a aura of a matured guy, but had his moments just like Donghyun, Kwangmin was just.. just Kwangmin, she didn’t know how to describe him, it was like he was from a different universe, his thoughts were always different and weird and then there was Minwoo, Minwoo and Crystal didn’t have a good start but as days went by, Crystal got comfortable with him, he was very smart, and had Information about lot of stuffs after Donghyun, Minwoo was the one Crystal was close to. She was now feeling comfortable to live with them, but she still missed her home, even though she was a wolf she never lived with them due to all the past reasons. All these years Living with human she sometime felt like she was just like them a simple human, she wished she would have been a one, not that she regretted to be a wolf but if she had been a human, if her family would have been a humans then they would have never faced all the Dangers all these years. Or if she had already shifted like normal werewolf’s she could have defended her family when they were in attack but it never happened and look where it got her now, all alone in this harsh world.

Crystal’s family knew that she had inherited her mother and that she was a wolf, her eyes were the sign, they would always turn golden whenever she was angered or was annoyed, it was something that was very rare, to get connected with your wolf by birth, crystal’s wolf never talked to her but she always felt her presence in her mind, it was weird at start but then she got used to it, she had expected to have her first shift quiet early than any other wolfs but instead here she was. Sighing Crystal stroked her hairs absent mindedly wishing her mother would have been here to tell her that it was ok, that she shouldn’t worry, she wished someone would have been here to comfort her.

UNBREAKABLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora