Chapter 12

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"O-Oppa?" Crystal called out, her voice coming in a whisper, it had been quite a while since the superior left, crystal was too weak to move, with all the screaming and crying her body couldn't bear any longer and being a new born wolf didn't help at all. Her inner wolf was furious, she wanted to kill that asshole of a superior, he hurt her mate, made him suffer, his screams and whimpers still fresh in her mind.

Her eyes filled with fresh tears as she saw her mate, still tied up in the chair, his head hanging down, his breath slow and his body still shaking. It was a sight crystal never wanted to see.

She had to do something, she couldn't let this happen, she had already lost 3 people she loved the most, she couldn't lose Jeongmin. She couldn't let her mate get hurt, even if that means to sacrifice her own life. "Oppa" she called out again, Crystal knew that Jeongmin was awake as she could hear small whimpers leaving his mouth. She couldn't reach towards him as they both were in the far ends. She shook her hands to rustle her chains and make some noise, another way of trying to get his attention. She called out again and this time she did get a response, "Hm?" came a small voice from other end,

"Oppa! Oppa, please you have to wake up. Oppa" Crystal called out frantically, she could see small movements on the other corner through the dim fire light.

Jeongmin tried to open his eyes, his vision was blurry, everything looked like an oil paint canvas, he groaned in pain as he tried to shift where he was sitting, even small movements of his body brought a lot of pain, it took him quite a few minutes to register where he was, the blur of his eyes now clearing slowly, taking shaky breaths he tried to move his head to where he had heard someone calling him, he could see a figure on the other corner, sitting in the floor, their hands chained, just like their legs. He tried to look at their face, blinking frantically to remove the blur from his eyes,

"C-Crytsal?" Jeongmin questioned his voice a cracking whisper,

"Yes oppa it's me" Crystal said immediately, happy to see that she was getting a response back.

"Crystal a-are you..." Jeongmin tried to speak, his voice coming out in small whisper, "Are you what, oppa?" crystal questioned trying to keep up the conversation as she could see Jeongmin's drowsy eyes and was sure that he himself was trying his best to stay awake.

"Are y-you ok?" he questioned,

Crystal couldn't believe this guy, after getting beaten buy 2 of the superior's buff men, then getting physically and mentally tortured by the Shock chair, the first thing he asks is 'are YOU ok?' Crystal didn't know what good she had done to have such precious being as her mate.

"Im Ok oppa, How are you f-feeling now?" crystal asked, small whimper coming out of her mouth as she remembered the past incident that occurred to her mate.

Chuckling softly "I have been better" he replied, he looked at his beloved, a rush of anger, pain, guilt and shame came through him, Anger because of what that Jerk had done to his Beloved, pain to see all the cuts, bruises and blood on his beloved, guilt that he let her suffer it and shame that being her beloved he couldn't protect her.

"Oppa I know what you are thinking, Please don't blame yourself, its not your fault, nothing that happened was your fault, In fact it's my fault actually, my own grandfather hates me to death and you were dragged into this mess, if We had never met this would have never happened, If I hadn't come to your house that night with Donghyun oppa, you would have neve-"

"No crystal, don't you dare speak another word, How can you say that? You said you're your 'IF' theories now let me tell you, If we hadn't met, I would have still been in my home, alone, sulking for a beloved, If Donghyun hyung hadn't brought you that night, All us brothers would have still been hating werewolf's and would have been ready anytime to snap their necks, if I you hadn't come to my life, I would have never known what it's like to 'Love' someone." Jeongmin confessed, making Crystal's eyes as wide as an owl.

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