Chapter 18

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This Chapter contains foul language and Violence.


With Golden Fierce eyes Crystal looked at her mate, his pain was mirroring with hers, his body weathering as the pain was unbearable. He was fighting a fight which was not his, he was fighting for her, all the vampires were fighting for her and now it was her time to finish this, end this misery. Her wolf has been prepared for this. She was ready.

She looked at the scum who was supposed to be her grandfather, who had been standing with pride as it looked down at her injured mate, he was the reason, the reason for her parents to run and hide all those years, the reason for her families death, the reason for her now being an orphan, the reason for her mate's pain, the reason for this war.

With a Loud Battle cry, Crystal headed towards the alpha wolf, whose attention snapped towards her, his eyes first bore confusion but as realization hit him he stood straight ready to attack. The Alpha looked at the foolish girl coming towards him, he felt amused as how she herself was coming for her death, asking for it. Now he could finish her with ease.

Crystal felt a sense of new found energy in her, a very negative energy which only wanted blood, Blood of her parent's killer.

Her paws left deep footprints as she ran towards the alpha, her breath hitched when she saw her injured mate, looking at her with worry but whimpers of pain leaving from his mouth. This only put oil in the fire that was in her heart. She looked back at the superior and let out an angry roar, leaping towards him. The move was predictable to the alpha, as he moved away making crystal land on the ground instead of attacking him, taking the advantage of her being distracted, the superior pounced over her, his sharp claws digging into Crystals skin making her growl both in pain and anger.

She noticed a wound over the superior's leg and immediately scratched it from her claws making him hiss and for crystal to push him away from her. The superior immediately stood up in defense, as crystal pushed herself forward towards him, leaping forward she pushed the superiors down digging her deep claws on his back and clawing a cut so deep, that his flesh was easily visible to all.

The Superior howled, he fell down as he tried to bear the pain, blood oozing out of the deep wound, his howl turned into whimpers as he then came into his senses, looking around he realized many eyes were on him and Crystal, he realized he couldn't fall, he couldn't let Crystal win, as it will only make the other wolfs disrespect him, realize that he was not capable of leading them. With a new determination he stood on his fours and looked at her with all the hate he had for her.

Crystal knew being the alpha blood the superior wouldn't be easy to defeat, but the Alpha blood runs in her blood too and being an Alpha Blood means to never back down, fight till your last breath and that's what she was going to do, fight till Death calls her.

The Alpha Growled as he took crystal in surprise by biting down her paws making her loose balance, the alpha pushed her down this time targeting her neck and biting it real hard; Crystal tried to wriggle out of the group but in vain.

But then the Superior did something that Crystal didn't expect. He started dragging her with his teeth still beard into her, this just increased the pain, as the dragging was tearing her skin and blood coming out freely. The pain was too much to bear, crystals howls echoed through the grounds, her wolf eyes filled tears of pain. But that didn't stop the superior, as he recklessly dragged her around as he himself started to taste her blood, making him sickeningly happy.

Jeongmin looked in horror, eyes burning with tears, he tried to head towards his beloved limply, but was stopped by a hand on his arms, "No Jeongmin" looking towards his left, he saw Hyunseong, he tried to protest but Hyunseong reasoned, "It's her battle Jeongmin, Let her fight, I know she can do it give her a chance. She has waited for this for so long time, to kill her parent's killer, let her get her vengeance Jeongmin only then she will ever feel content."

Jeongmin realized that Hyunseong was right, she has wanted to find her families killer for this long time. He knew he had to let her fight, but being her beloved made him want to go and protect her. His mind was swirling with thousands questions making him loose his balance but Hyunseong immediately was on his aid. He heard a hiss coming from his right, looking he realized that Youngmin and Minwoo were trying to hold a very Mad Donghyun who just wanted to break free and help Crystal. But they had no time for sitting and watching as the other wolfs were still attacking them.

Jeongmin slowly balanced himself and headed towards his brothers to help them, "Jeongmin No, Your injured, you stay here we will take care of these creatures." Hyunseong exclaimed, but this time Jeongmin was not going to back down, "No hyung, You told me to let Crystal fight the alpha and I agreed but I'm not going to sit here and let my family fight for me, that's not what Donghyun hyung and you taught me, that's not what our father taught us" stated Jeongmin a look of determination in his eyes.

Hyunseong looked at him for a second and then sighed as he knew that whatever he would do or say wouldn't change Jeongmin mind so he just nodded his head but kept a close eye on his stubborn brother.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, next update coming soon. :)

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