Chapter 9

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I know Kpop fans are very familiar with the following terms, but I had promised to put up the meaning of these words.
Just in case.

'Oppa'- is used by girls to show affection to a guy older than her.

'Jagiya'- is a sweet term to call your lover like 'Honey'

Anyways, Enjoy.

Jeongmin Immediately stood up, his eyes travelled to the direction he heard his Beloveds scream, on instinct he ran towards the direction sensing the danger she maybe in.

"Crystal" He called out hoping to get an answer but no use, but he could hear small whimpers which made him more worried, he followed the noises, only to see his beloved being attacked. His anger building up in seconds, his ocean blue eyes now held up a blood red color, his fangs now showing ready to snap anyone in front.

He immediately ran and pushed the bulk figure away from his beloved, making them fall with a tud. He tried to bring crystal in his arm protecting her but was stopped by a growl in front, he looked up to see a black furred wolf looking at him with rage showing his Cannes out.

Jeongmin hissed at the wolf ready to attack in any seconds, he blocked crystal's unconscious body by standing between the wolf and Crystal.

The wolf jumped forward at Jeongmin but the animal was immediately pushed away by him, making the wolf roar in rage, taking its paws it attacked Jeongmin leaving big gashes of cut on Jeongmin's chest, he balance was now unsteady, the wolf jumped towards him trying to get hold of his neck but Jeongmin immediately caught hold of the black furred dog kicking him hard on his side, a crack sound echoed through the forest following by a loud howl.

The wolf tried to stand up but was pushed down by Jeongmin, but before he could end the wolf, he felt a sharp pain on his shoulders, looking behind he realized he was injected by something, within seconds his eyelids felt heavier. He slowly crawled up to crystal, trying to wake her up when he himself couldn't keep his eyes open.

Snickering "Not so strong now, are we?" teased the bulk figure, a sick grin creeping its way on his face. Jeongmin hissed at him trying to attack him but his body had given up already and before he could even ask or say anything he was called out by darkness.
Donghyun decided to meet the Superior to think out all the ways to keep Crystal safe and together with Jeongmin. But he was surprised of the new information Superior Jongin had just given. He would never thought of himself to be in such a position, but in a way he was glad he was.

"Are you Sure Jongin-shi?, I have never heard of this in any past history of our clan"

"That's because the History of Vampires and Werewolf as mates has kept hidden from both the species, it would have brought more problems and after facing such big wars in the past nobody in both clans wanted that, that's why those having mates with the enemy clan or pack will either reject each other or would be killed, Jonghyun was lucky that with your fathers help he could keep his family away from this mess. But now that he is no more, we have to take responsibility of crystal and keep her safe; a hybrid like her will be an easy bait for anyone."

"Yes, you are right we sho-" Donghyun was cut off by Hyunseok one of the soldiers, who was huffing in air with all the running he did, his look of fear made the other 2 alarmed,

"What is it Hyunseok?" asked the wise superior trying to calm the Soldier, "Superior, we have had intruders in our territory" said a very worried Hyunseok. This made Donghyun stand up alarmed. "Who were the intruders?, are they held?" he asked worry growing in him with seconds.

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