Chapter 15

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This Chapter contains some violence.


The bond between siblings is something no one can explain in words. It's a weird Relationship where affections aren't shown with hugs and kisses, where fights takes place every day, where nasty words are passed towards each others, but when in need they always have each other's back, even if never confessed they know that they love their siblings and care for them more than ever.

For Donghyun it was no different. He always had this poker face that never let his brothers understand him. But their were some moments where he would come out of his shell and surprise his brothers but it would always be for just minutes then he is back to his poker self. He was not a person who could show his affection like Jeongmin could, but he didn't need to as his brothers knew that he cared for them a lot.

But for now Donghyun didn't care that they were his brothers, he was sure to snap their bones when he finds them, sure they had broken many of Donghyun's orders in the past but the situations were all different and not as dangerous as now, he was sure Hyunseong would have had the hand on persuading the others.

Donghyun slowly and skillfully made his way towards the borders, realizing why his brothers were successful at crossing it; the guards were too lazy for anything, chatting with each other like they were in a club for fun time. In a way he was relieved that his brothers went to the other side safely, but until he saw them with his own eyes he wouldn't be satisfied.

With these thoughts running through his head, Donghyun made his way across the borders, walking mindlessly but still cautious with every step.


All the brothers stood in defense, covering their Injured Brother and his Beloved. Kwangmin immediately pulled Luz behind him as he could see the fear rushing back on her eyes.

The superior stood with a smirk in his face, two men standing right behind him ready for command of attack. Jeongmin Immediately recognized one of them being the attacker that night, his dull eyes now showed rage as the scenes of that night rushed back to him, it seemed like the Man himself realized it as he gave a sickening smirk to Jeongmin, making him hiss at the Low life animal.

"Haven't your Elders taught you to not trespass someone else's Place?" The superior asked mockingly, he eyed at Luz before noticing the way Kwangmin was shielding her, a smirk growing on his face,
"I see Moon goddess was kind enough to give you a mate, but sadly not so kind to give you someone of our blood." He hissed making Luz squirm back, this triggered something in Kwangmin as his eyes turned to its natural Red Color and Fangs now showing, he was ready to snap the superior's head but didn't wanted to do something that could put everyone in danger.

"Look we can do this in the easy way, just hand me Crystal and I let you all go, Including her" said The superior pointing at Luz. Jeongmin who had been standing behind, under his brothers protection now felt enraged, he knew he couldn't just stand here and let his beloved be caused any harm. A new found energy build in Jeongmin as he pushed past his brothers, and stood in front of the Superior and Growled, "Over my Dead Body". And that was all it took for the superior to flick his hand and the two men to charge over the brothers.

Jeongmin was the first to step up for defense, though his body was weak, his beloved's safety was all he could think of as he charged towards one of them, he tried to hit him but misjudged and was thrown down by the man, he looked at Jeongmin with the smirk, the smirk he had when he had attacked him and his beloved that night. Jeongmin stood up, trying to regain his balance,
"Look at you, so pathetic, so weak, you can't even defend yourself, how are you planning to save your Mate? Huh?" the man sneered, fisting his hand and connecting it with Jeongmin's jaws, making Jeongmin step back, but not losing himself, the man pulled Jeongmin by his hairs and hit his stomach with his legs making Jeongmin fall on his knees, the creature pulled Jeongmin by his hairs,

"I wonder what made you accept her, maybe you felt sorry for the weakling, maybe you were forced, or maybe you were drawn by her purity, just like her name she is pure isn't she? Not touched by any men before, I sensed it, Oh how I want to feel that glorious pale skin, feel those perfectly sculpted lips over mine, maybe after I finish you, I will do it, make her squirm under me, make her scream my name, make her mine" he growled into Jeongmin's ears.

If there is a word that describes something more than rage, that was what Jeongmin felt, his blood was hot with anger, he thought nothing but only to kill the man who dared to even imagine about his beloved in a way only he was supposed to. He grabbed the man's leg making him lose balance and fall on the ground on his back, Jeongmin sat up on him, hitting him repeatedly on the face with his strong fist easily dislocating his jaws, growling words in between, "SHE" hit "IS" hit "MINE" hit, and after few more hits, Jeongmin grabbed the man's head with both his hands, flicking it towards the left, a snap echoing and confirming that was the man's last breath.

I took quite long time to write this chapter, I apologize for that, but I was running out of ideas, but as now everything's fine, Im gonna post one more chapter today.

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