Chapter 10

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Crystal still remembers all the stories her mum used to tell her like she heard it yesterday. All about the man standing in front of her. But they were always good, all those stories about him were always all the wonderful things he had done for his pack and family but here he was smiling sickly at his granddaughter's helplessness and pain.

She always questioned, if he was so caring about his family why didn't he help his own daughter? But now she knew, He was a Monster, a Monster her poor Mother didn't know about. Her thoughts were snapped away when she felt a sharp pain and then a loud dangerous Growl coming from the other side of the Room.

"Get Away From her you prick! You are so cheap, hitting your own blood!" Jeongmin Yelled, venom dripping from every word he spoke, he was withering in anger trying to get out of the chair but the strong chains chained on him were against it.

The old man's attention snapped to Jeongmin, jaws clenching tight, he slowly made his way to him, eyes burning with anger, he yanked Jeongmin, grabbing his hairs and pulling it harshly, looking deep on Jeongmin's now red eyes, the man sneered "So now I am cheap huh? Says the one who wanted to reject the scumbag you call your Mate."

Jeongmin growled back at him, showing him that he wasn't intimidated to the least by him. The man chuckled evilly, looking at Crystal then looking back at Jeongmin, "Perhaps maybe we can have some fun now" he said looking at them. His face now holding a smirk.

This made both the Mates Freeze, they looked at each other, worry written on both of their face, "Oh don't worry Jeongmin I am not going to Hurt your mate." Sure It was a relief for Jeongmin but hearing that made crystal's breath short and fast 'was he going to hurt oppa?' she thought,

"Well Not Physically." The old alpha sneakered, living both of them in confusion.

But Crystal realized what he meant when she heard Jeongmin's loud scream echoing the small cell,

"NO NO PLEASE!!! PLEASE STOP!" Crystal yelled but her shouts were just like a whisper compared to Jeongmin's Screams.

The pain was unbearable; his body withering with the shocks it was taking in. His face was slowly turning pale, sweat dripping from his face, his sight was blur, nothing he tried to see was clear.

The Alpha was enjoying every moment, seeing the vampire wither in pain made him want to hurt him more, thus slowly increasing the intensity of the shocks.

Jeongmin could hear Crystal's cries and shouts from the other side but how much ever he tried he couldn't move an inch; it was like he was trap in a statue. He try to take in as much air he could but he couldn't, his eyes lost it sight, he couldn't see anything anymore, making him more restless as he heard more screams of crystals, but couldn't do anything.

Slowly his breaths slowed down, his body still shaking with aftershocks.

He could hear someone talking, he could hear screams, but couldn't figure out the situation, for a minute he would lose conscious then come back again, the screams turning whimper, he wanted to see who it was, but his body had worn out, he couldn't move, he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep a dreamless sleep but he couldn't. Something in him didn't want him to sleep. Something was keeping him awake. He just couldn't figure it out.

"Aw, My poor poor Baby, does it hurt seeing your mate in this state?" The Alpha mocked at crystal, he caressed her check making her flinch back in disgust, it disgusts her to even look at that face.

She wanted to give up, give up for her mate, tell him to kill her, tell him to end this misery, but her Wolf wouldn't let her. Her Wolf's pride would hurt and giving up means to let the traitor win.

The Alpha bent down, and pulled crystal hair roughly making her hiss, she looked at him with rage, the anger of hurting her, anger of hurting her mate, anger of leaving her mother. "It should hurt you, I want you to feel the pain, slowly, slowly, every shock or hit the he gets will be hurting you, killing you slowly and painfully." He said, his words slow and full of venom.

"I can't believe you, you were supposed to take care of you daughter, her family, Why? Why are you hurting me? What did I do? I am your family." She exclaimed, her eyes filling up with tears, she was done with this, done with all the mystery, she wanted to know the real reason for this, the real reason for her suffering, if she could just know what happened wrong maybe she could fix it and get her mate out of here safely.

"You don't deserve the happiness, you don't deserve My love or respect, you are pathetic just like them, your a useless whore just like your mother, you are weak and I will never accept you as my own" He sneered venom dripping from every word, slashing deep cuts in crystal's heart.

His words hurt, it hurt a lot but she was able to endure it, she didn't let the hurt flicker on her face. Because how much ever he tries, she was determined, she will not break. She will not let him win, she will fight for her mate, even if that means her death.

"Why? What did I ever do to you?"

"You want to know why?, then Listen" said the alpha, getting frustrated by every second,

"Werewolf's and Vampires are supposed to be Enemies, pure rivals, it has been that way for decades and it should still go on. But people like you and your mother, can't get it in their thick skull can you?, You brought this to you yourself, Your fate is your own fault." He said with pure hatred.

He then looked at her intensely for a second and smirked, "Do you want to know who were the ones who Killed your Family, Your Warrior Father, Your loving Mother and Your sweet sweet little sister?"

This perked Crystal's attention immediately she looked up to him, eyes desperately wanting to know the answer. His smirked now turned in to a sick grin, chest puffing in pride, slowly he came closer to her ears and whispered, something crystal had never thought in her wildest dreams could happen,

"It was me."

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