"Who is he?" Manya asked with curiosity.

"He is someone," She pointed at Dustin to help her but Manya took it in wrong way.

"Dustin! Dustin gave you love letter." Manya was totally surprised.

"What!" Ariana, Emma and Dustin said together.

"Actually yes. Dustin gave me that letter." Ariana sounded relived.

"Oh you are so shy. And how romatic, you actually wrote a love letter in this age of Internet messengers. I am sorry asking her to meet my brother."

"Don't worry about it. Go for it. I have other options." Dustin blurted out nervously.

"Options! Seriously Dustin" Ariana gave him death glare.

"Manya you should go for your lecture. Its time." Emma interrupted to send her away.

"Yeah I should. See you guys in Audition." she walked toward her class while looking back at them.

"Yeah. Sure." Ariana replied with smile.

"Do you think it was good idea to send her to class right now and hiding this letter from her?" Emma asked.

"I don't want her to opt out of audition because of this letter. She has worked hard for this, I can't let this stupid letter spoil her chances of achieving what she wants. I think he is just trying to scare her. He won't go for it." Ariana reasoned.

"I would like to add one thing that this boy is really weird. He definitely is capable of hurting her. He is a bully." Dustin revealed.

"You Mr. Option can't you say something good." Ariana hissed.

"Ariana there is no need of getting upset on him. We should think about her right now."

"What to do about it?" Ariana whined while pacing around corridor.

"Okay I got one Idea. I don't think that he will do something before audition. And by that time we could go to campus security and show them this letter and then they will handle him nicely. What do you think?" Ariana suggested.

"It sounds like a good plan." Emma agreed.

"Umm I don't think so. He is well known for holding grudge. I don't know what he is planning to do right now. There are chances that he is just trying to scare her off, but if you show this letter to authority then he will be kicked out of team and then ladies he will definitely take out her anger on her."

"Is he pshyco or what?" Ariana said as she pull her hairs in frustration.

"I think we should tell her." Emma suggested.

"And then what? Do you really think this guy will stop here?" Ariana replied.

"Then what can we do? And I seriously think she should know about this letter. Form letter it seems like he has been bulling her in past." Dustin and Ariana nodded in agreement.

"I have an idea." Ariana said. "Manya is safe till audition and I will tell her about this letter after that and we will stay beside her till game. I think this pshyco is afraid of her brother. We are in luck as he is coming here today so I will tell him everything about it at that time. But if that pshyco tried something in front of me then I am definitely going to authority."

"Yeah that sound alright. Just be on time. Don't be late as usual," Emma warned Ariana.

"I am never late for something as serious like this matter." Ariana was offended.

"Can you throw some light on when was the last time when we faced something remotely close to this situation and above that, you of all people were on time."

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