" Sir, I don't know which boat you're talking about. Can you tell me which boat." The woman on the other end asked.

" The... The 4-k7!! Tell me it isn't true!! Please!" He was scared and worried that she was actually gone.

" Oh! Yes...yes! Okay, well I've gotten some updates for you if you like." She said.

" Yeah-yeah-yeah! Just please...tell me!" Paul told her.


" Miss?" Paul called.

" Sorry... I'm so very sorry. The boat was found... With only one male passenger." She told him in the most sincere way.

The phone fell from his hand as he fell to floor, crying and emotionally breaking down.

" No-no-no-nooo.... Oh God no. Please! Don't..." Paul sobbed and cried in his hands, begging for his love to be alive. " No ..." He said in between sobs.

He felt his heart hurt badly, and his eyes burn with tears. Sadness swallowed his emotions, while shock hit him like a wall of bricks. And deep down inside, all he did was blame himself for it all.



Diane was aware when it happened.

Her last days seemed somewhat annoying, since Rolin was always in her business and always tried to flirt with her even though she already had a man.

It was one day that really bothered her...

" Diane! Come here!" Diane sighed while she went over to Rolin.

" what is it?" She said in an annoyed tone.

" What is this? This isn't what I wanted! The boat isn't suppose to be in the painting!" He said, tearing and tossing her painting on the floor.

" Rolin!! No!"

She immediately pushed him away from the artwork and picked it up gingerly, carful enough to not tear it up any more. She ran to her room and  laid it on her desk and began to tear up. She heard pounding at her door.

" Piss off, Rolin!" She yelled angrily, but he came in anyways.

" Where did you learn to talk to men like that?" He said barging in and grabbing her chin tightly, catching her off guard. She spat in his face, which made him grip tighter.

" You lil' bitch! Guess you not the sweet Diane I knew..." He said to her.

" Rolin!" Rolin looked to find Jackie at the door." What do you think you're doin'! Let her go, now." She gritted her teeth angrily. Diane was relived that her best friend was there to help, but Jackie was mad at the fact that Rolin what even dare to even touch her in such a way.

" I said, let- her- GO!" At ' go' she kicked him hard in the shins, making him drop Diane. Rolin cursed under his breath and stormed out. Jackie ran and embraced the shocked and hurt Diane.

" Don't worry, dear. He won't bother ya for now." Jackie comforted her.

Few seconds later, the both were thrown to one side of the room unexpectingly.

" Shit! What was that?" Yelled Jackie.

The two women heard Bobby call for them before one of the windows flew open, letting in the harsh and icy rain. The two managed to make their way to Bobby, and huddled together.

" What's going on, Bob?" Asked Diane.

" I dunno! The captain said that there was a storm approaching earlier, but Rolin insisted on continuing the voyage!" He yelled over the loud sound of waves crashing into the boat.

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