Chapter two: Babydoll...

Start from the beginning

"What are you smiling about?" Alyx questioned, slipping out of her jeans.

"Do you remember when I kidnapped you?" I smirked over at her while grabbing a black sheet and placing it over her desk.

"How could I forget?" She sneered mockingly, slipping her blue bra out of her shirt.

As best friends, and both of the same gender, we never felt uncomfortable getting undressed in front of each other; we both had the same junk in the trunk, so why be afraid? Thank goodness we're both straight... I sighed in relief, retrieving my sleeping bag from her closet; slipping out of my own, black, bra.

"I don't understand how you sleep under my desk..." Alyx shook her head, climbing into her bed.

"It's cozy. Besides, I feel like I have some privacy," I winked at her, crawling under the desk with my sleeping bag.

It was true; sleeping under her desk filled me with a sense of privacy. Getting comfortable, I faced the black sheet that was used as a sort of curtain; feeling my head spin with exhaustion. Maybe it was just my imagination... I thought while closing my eyes, it was just a prank with the trash can... Kids wrote on the green bin...

"Night, Nyra," Alyx said softly, followed by the lights being flipped off.

"Night, baby girl," I yawned, using my pet-name for her.


I opened my eyes, rubbing them with an irritated thought; why the hell is Alyx up so late? I pulled my phone out of my pillow, glancing at the bright screen; three O' clock in the morning. The fuck is she doing up so late? I poked my head out of the curtain I had created, freezing at what I saw. A dark figure towered over Alyx's sleeping form, muttering under his breath; running, what looked like to be, a kitchen knife over her side. Quietly and quickly, I slipped back into my small space while trying not to just scream. Okay, there is a man, possibly a rapist, standing over my best friend! You might have called be a fucking moron, but, I bolted out from the desk and slammed my hand onto the light switch; lights immediately filled the room.

"Alyx, wake the hell up!" I screamed, and turned to face her direction, "There's a man-"

There was no man standing over Alyx. Nobody was there. Nothing.

"Nyra, what the fuck?!" Alyx sat up with a growl, rubbing her eyes and tiredly glaring at me.

"Dude, I swear to any fucking God that's in the sky," I placed a hand over my heart, "There was a man standing over you!"

"Nyra, just go to-" I watched as she rubbed the side of her neck, freezing after a second, "Nyra... D-Did y-yo-you li-lick me?"

"I'm telling you, there was some one-" I instantly went quiet, seeing her window was open, "Didn't you close that?!"

"I did!" She shrieked while jumping off her bed and slamming her window shut.

"I told you!" I started trembling.

"Nyra, he might still be in the house!" Alyx hissed, "We need to call the police!"

I rushed over to her side, glancing out the window with her; we both froze hearing a male's voice.

"No use calling the police, Babydoll," We both turned to face... Him.

He's real... He's real... He wrote on the trash bin... He was going to kill my best friend... I stared at the smirking figure. He might have been taller than me, with jet black messy hair that stopped at his shoulders; he wore a grey hoodie that held bloodstains, along with black pants and black shoes. His skin was paler than mine, by far; it was as white as snow. The corners of his lips were sliced slightly, forming a psychotic smile. His eyes reminded me of a cat's pair of eyes, they were, very, slightly, ovaled; black singe surrounding his dark eyes.

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