Chapter 39

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(6 days later)

Charlotte and I are already home, but it's hard, I am not the best mom.

I do want to try and do it alone, but I can't, yet. I need to learn it because Tom will be gone alot.

I think I have had about 14 hours of sleep, in the last six days?!

Charlotte is definitely not a morning person, and definitely not a kind baby.

At the moment I'm laying on my couch, with Charlotte napping on my chest, her butterfly toy tightly held in her little hand.

Then I suddenly heard the door open, and I immediately sat up.

"Honey?!" I heard Tom yell, I quickly walked over to the front door.

"Oh, my, god. Look at you." I said with one hand on my mouth.

"I know, the hair, it's crazy. I forgot to style it, but now, can I hold my little princess?" he asked in the sweetest voice ever.

I gently handed the sleeping baby to him, the smile on his face was huge.

"She's so cute, I'm proud of you, darling." he said and he quickly pecked my lips.

"Thanks, and by the way, don't touch the butterfly toy, she will start screaming." I said, he raised his eyebrows.

"I'm guessing you found out the hard way?" he asked, I shook my head.

"Benedict did." I replied, he chuckled.

Charlotte then gently opened her eyes, she looked super shocked.

"Hey, little girl, I'm your daddy. Hi." Tom whispered, Charlotte was still in awe.

"By the way, my parents, and Peach are coming over tomorrow. They didn't want to take the whole family, because that would freak Charlotte out." I said and he nodded.

Tom then gently sat down on the couch, making soft noises.

Charlotte then accidently dropped her toy and started to scream.

Tom quickly grabbed the toy from the ground but she wouldn't stop.

"Mari, what should I do?" he asked, clearly worried there was something terribly wrong.

"I'll go warm up a bottle." I said, Tom nodded.

After two minutes, I quickly tested the milk on my forearm before handing it to Tom.

"How much sleep did you get last six days? Has she been keeping you awake?" he asked as he started feeding her.

"16 hours, six days.... I placed her crib in our room so it would be easier, I was hoping you could do tonight maybe?" I questioned, he nodded.

"Sure, you can go sleep now if you want to, I'll be fine." he said but I shook my head.

"Oh wait, I have something for you." he said as he gently pulled the bottle out of Charlotte her mouth and handed it to me.

He then walked over to his suitcase, and grabbed a few things.

"Well, I got something for the both of you, starting with you." he said as he handed me a neatly packaged present.

I gently opened it to see lots of stuff, like parfum, jewelry, but there was one thing I really, really liked.

There was this shirt, with the best quote ever on it.

I slept with Loki, deal with it!

"Okay, you are awesome!" I exclaimed as I hugged him tight.

"I didn't really know what to get Charlotte so I got her this stuffed animal." he said holding up a panda with huge blue eyes.

Charlotte immediately dropped her butterfly toy and tried to grab the new, better, toy.

Tom handed her the toy, she happily squeeled.

"I think she likes it." I said, he nodded agreeing.

"I could go make us some dinner." he said making me smile.

"Please make dinner, I'm starving." I begged, he gently kissed my forehead before walking to the kitchen.

I put Charlotte on my chest again, and I gave myself some well-deserved rest.


Oh god, for how long have I been sleeping?!

Since my fiancé is next to me, in our bed, I'd say very long.

Then, Charlotte started to cry, a loud groan came from Tom's side.

"Calm down, Charlotte, daddy will be there in a second." I heard Tom say, I decided to watch what he was planning to do.

He stepped out of the bed and he carrfully grabbed Charlotte from the crib.

"Shh, shh, please don't wake mummy up. She deserves to rest, so shhh." Tom whispered, by the cracking in his voice I knew this wasn't the first time this night.

"I'm already up, don't worry about it." I said as I climbed out of the bed.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yes, well, this little bugger did." I replied as I gently took Charlotte from his arms.

"I'm sorry from her then." he said and I gently rocked the little girl back and forth.

"She has your eyes and a mix of our hair." I said making him smile.

"She looks more like you, we almost have the same eye-colour so she has both our eyes." he then said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I really missed your support, honey, it was really hard not having you with me." I whispered, he smiled.

"I missed you by my side, smiling, kissing me, hugging me, just all of you." he replied kissing my forehead.

I then looked down on Charlotte, she had fallen alseep, hugging her panda tightly.

"Finally." I sighed as I gently placed the little girl in her crib.

I then climbed into my own bed, and Tom layed down next to me.

He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed the back of my head.

"Sleep well, if she wakes up again I'll take care of her." he whispered and I sighed.

"Thank you so much, I love you." I mumbled making him chuckle,

"I love you too, honey, goodnight." he said, I gently yawned.

"Goodnight Tom." I replied, and I quickly pecked his lips.

Finally, home with my fiancé, my baby, enjoying my amazing life.

I love it!

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