Chapter 9

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"Mari?! Tom?!" May yelled, my 15 year old sister, she is so annoying.

"May?! Please?!" I exclaimed and I buried my face into Tom's neck.

"Mom says that you, Tom and her should go for a walk." May said making me groan.

"Sorry mom, no, I'm just so tired, I don't wanna do anything." I mumbled as I looked at my mother.

"Mom?! Dad?!" I then heard Lilly yell and she came walking into the room while dragging her boyfriend with her.

"Okay, good, the whole family is here." she then said, and I gave her a hopeful look.

She then stopped talking, giving me a look asking for help.

"May, Peach, stand up." I said as I  up from the couch and pulled my two little sisters up.

Me and all my little sisters in a line.

"Okay, let's play a game. Guess who's pregnant?!" I exclaimed and everyone made a confused face.

"I am!?" Lilly exclaimed and everyone's mouth dropped.

I just pressed my hand onto my face, Lilly doesn't quite know how to bring some bad news.

No happy faces, only shock, exept for Tom, who gave me a questoning look.

"Tom and I will be upstairs." I said quickly and I pulled Tom out of the room.

"Is your sister really?" Tom asked as we walked up the stairs and I nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked when had arrived in my room.

"Uhm, 9 pm. Why?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Just curious." I said as I grabbed a book from my shelf and sat down on my bed.

"What are you reading?" Tom asked as he sat down next to me.

"Lord of the rings, in Dutch so it's not for you." I said making him sigh softly.

"Now I'm bored..." he sighed making me giggle.

"Well, I'm sorry. You can...uhm... Go on my phone?" I questioned as I held my phone out to him.

"Okay, what's the password?" he asked and I quickly took my phone back.


I then handed him my phone again, he smiled at me.

After five minutes I heard a chuckle coming from Tom, and I tried to look what he was doing.

He held my phone up so I couldn't see anything...

"Tom, what are you doing?" I asked as I stood up on my bed and tried to grab my phone but he held it out of my reach.

He then also stood up on my bed, and held my phone in the air.

"Tom?! Give it back?!" I exclaimed and I started jumping hoping to get my phone.

"Only if you say 'Tom, you're the hottest man alive'." he said making me sigh.

"Tom you're the second hottest man alive." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Do you want your phone back, Mari?" Tom asked and I nodded heavily.

"Then you say it." he then said making me sigh loudly.

"No, I won't lie." I exclaimed and he raised his eyebrows.

"Then you will never ever get your phone back." he said as he crossed his arms and slid my phone in his back pocket.

"Oh, come on?!" I exclaimed making him chuckle.

"Who's the hottest man alive?" he asked and I groaned loudly.

"Benedict Cumberbatch." I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Eahh, wrong." he said and I sat down on my bed.

"What am I doing, I don't even need my phone." I said and he raised his eyebrows again.

"I see you got a message from Daniel, and why is there a heart by his name?" he asked and I immediately jumped up.

"Give it back!?" I yelled as I tried to reach his hand but he held it in the air again.

"Is it Daniel Radcliffe?" he asked and I sighed.

"I'll give it back on one condition, I get your passcode." he said and I covered my face in my hands.

"0902, now give it back. You already knew my password by the way." I said and he quickly handed me my phone again.

Daniel had indeed texted me. He and I have a weird relationship... We are like a sarcastic couple, we're not dating, but kinda act like we do.

Daniel: Hey💕
Mari: What's up?💕

"Why the hearts?" Tom asked glancing over my shoulder.

"That's just how Daniel and I roll." I said making him sigh.

Daniel: Just bored, wanna come over?💕
Mari: I'm in the Netherlands, so I guess not.💕
Daniel: Now I'm sad...

"You and Daniel... You guys aren't dating, right?" Tom asked and I shook my head.

"Oooooh, someone's jelly!?" I exclaimed making him sigh.

"Okay, yes, I'm very jealous. But he's not the one sharing a bed with you at the moment." he wispered as he carefully leaned in.

"Tom... We need to talk." I sighed as I pushed him away a little bit.

"I am not sure what to do... You're a great guy and everything, but I just don't know if we should date we insult eachother constantly." I said and he made a confused face.

"What do you mean? I don't get it." he said making me sigh.

"We shouldn't date, Thomas. But I gotta admit, you are charming." I said and he nodded followed by a small chuckle.

"Can't we try? What if it does work out?" he asked gripping both my hands tightly.

"We can be very close friends, so let's just stay like that." I said making him cover his face in his hands.

"Fine... At least I've got one kiss from my true love that I can think about." he mumbled and I quickly crossed my arms.

"You're a real dork." I said making him chuckle.

"I'm gonna go to bed, you?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm quite tired." he said as he pulled his shirt off.

"Show off." I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"You like me, so shut up, don't lie." he said as he lifted me onto his shoulder.

"Tom! Put me down!" I exclaimed giggling but he then already put me down and pulled me into a hug.

"You're the cutest." he wispered making me giggle again.

He then already let go of me, and I walked over to my suitcase.

"F*ck, I forgot my pajamas." I cursed making Tom chuckle.

"Do you wanna borrow one of my simple t-shirts?" he asked and I sighed softly.

"Then my tattoo would be visible." I said but he quickly threw a shirt at me.

"I already know your tattoo, nothing new." he said and I nodded before pulling my shirt off.

"Show off." Tom said, imitating my voice.

"Jerk." I said and I climbed into my bed.

Tom was sleeping next to my bed on a matres, it was cool to finally look down at him.

"Goodnight, darling." he wispered and I put the lights off.

"Goodnight, Thomas." I said and I felt a sudden poke in my side.

"Thomas!?" I exclaimed making him laugh.

"Loki..." he mumbled before keeping silent and falling asleep.

Good night.

I am a secret [Tom Hiddleston]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum