Chapter 23

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"But seriously, what do you see in him?" Sarah asked and I couldn't help but smile.

Tom had already left an hour ago, and he told me he was going to pack for the trip, even though it was in two days.

"He's sweet, he's kind, does not look ugly, and just...he's very charming." I said and they both sighed.

"He's actually very ugly, but I can say he is very kind, with lots of manners." Sarah said and I nodded agreeing.

"So you and Tom are leaving for a new show soon?" Emma asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, with the avengers cast so I am super excited! I've never met any of them, but I am quite afraid that they will turn against me and Tom. They all have a wife or husband and children, while Tom and I have only been dating for a short time." I sighed and they nodded understanding.

"I know Chris Hemsworth a little bit, because I went to the premier of Thor with Tommy, Chris seems very nice." Sarah said and I giggled.

"Why do you always call him Tommy? Is it something from childhood?" I asked and she grinned.

"Yeah, it's just that he's my little brother, I guess. It started when he was a baby, and I just never stopped." she said and I giggled.

"It's cute, I only have one little brother but he's my twin." I said and Emma her eyes shot up.

"You have a twin brother?! Are you identical twins?" she asked but I made a confused face.

"She doesn't understand, Emma. Do you and your twin brother look like eachother." Sarah said and I sighed in frustration.

"We look a bit alike, but I look more like my smallest sister, Peach." I said and they both smiled.

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?" Emma asked making me smile.

"Uhm, it's Sander, Marten, me, Felix, Lilly, May and Peach. My older brother had the idea of naming the youngest one after the mario princess." I said and they both laughed.

"That's kinda sweet, but who would you rather hang out with, your brothers or sisters?" Emma asked and I smiled at the thought of my siblings, they're all amazing.

"I love all of them, and it totally depends on what we're doing. I like going camping with the guys, but I also enjoy shopping with the girls." I said and they looked at eachother.

"For us it's very simple, dad does things with Tom. And we do girly things with our mum." Emma said and I nodded.

"But you say Tom, and Sarah doesn't, why?" I asked and she raised her shoulders.

"He's not my little brother, he's my older brother, it would be weird to say Tommy." Emma said as she played with her hands a little bit.

"And I say Thomas alot, I just think it sounds cuter." I said and I blushed lightly.

"You really like him, don't you?" Sarah asked and I nodded with my eyes tearing up a little bit.

"Yeah... This is actually my first night without him in the same this is a little bit hard." I said and I quickly wiped some tears off my cheeks.

"Ah, darling, come here." Sarah said and she hugged me tight.

I cried onto her shoulder, and she softly rubbed my back.

"I can call him to pick you up, you really seem to miss him." Emma said but I shook my head.

"I just wanna call, only so I can know he's okay." I said as I grabbed my phone.

"Go to the living room to call, sometimes the reception here is really bad." Sarah said and I quickly walked out the room and sat down on the couch.

I then started calling Tom, and he immediately picked up.

"Hello darling, is there something wrong?" Tom asked, his voice immediately made me cry.

"I-I-I miss you so much!" I exclaimed and I heard a worried sigh coming from him.

"Should I come pick you up or isn't it that bad." Tom asked and I wiped some tears off my cheeks.

"I wanna stay here, I'm having fun, it's just that I miss you so super much, I now realise I need you. I love you so much." I sniffed and he chuckled.

"Ah, darling, I love you too. Are you gonna be okay there. I'm gonna pick you up at eleven tomorrow morning I have something we can do together." he said and I smiled again.

"I guess I'll see you in the morning, I miss your arms around me, Thomas." I whispered and I heard his familiar giggle again.

"Hehehe, I wish you were here too. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, love." he said and I giggled.

"Love you, see you tomorrow, bye Tom." I said, hoping for a sweet reply.

"I gonna miss you the whole night, I love you so much!" he exclaimed and he hung up.

"Mari, Emma and I are going to sleep, are you coming?" Sarah asked and I happily nodded.

Sarah and Emma shared the bed, I was okay with a matress next to their bed.

I layed down in my bed, and they put all the lights off.

"Goodnight Sarah, goodnight Mari." Emma wispered and I smiled, at my house we never said goodnight to eacother.

"Goodnight Emmy, goodnight Mari." Sarah mumbled making me smile again, why should I not join them?

"Goodnight Emma, goodnight Sarah." I whispered smiling and then I placed my head down on the pillow.

Dear lord, I miss Thomas so much!?

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