Chapter 15

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The doorbell rang and Daniel went to get the door, it's probably Tom.

Daniel opened the door, and Tom walked in, his coat covered in snow and his ears being all red.

"Thomas?!" I exclaimed and ran over to him to hug him tight.

"Wow, Mari, you're so excited to see me." Tom mumbled as he placed both his hands on my back.

"I am excited to see you." I wispered making him chuckle.

"You guys better get home." Daniel said as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, thank you so much, Daniel, you're the best." I said and I gave him a small hug.

"No problem." he said smiling and I nodded.

"Well, goodnight Daniel." I said and he closed the door, leaving me and Tom alone.

"Here, you should have my hat, it's very cold outside." he said as he placed his hat over my hair.

"Thank you." I replied and he quickly winked at me.

We both got into his car, and I carefully took a glance at him, but then realising he was already looking at me.

He then slowly leaned in but making sure to look at me.

"Tom?" I asked and he quickly leaned back a bit.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Tom asked followed by a small sigh.

"Take it slow. Let's just say we haven't had our first kiss, and we want it to be perfect." I said and he smiled.

"It will be perfect, now let's go home." he said as he started the car.

We were driving in silence, while Tom was drumming on the steering wheel with his hands.

"Tom, I want you to know that I've never celebrated christmas, so I don't really know how it works." I said and he gasped.

"Oh yeah, we didn't have any time last year, and you don't celebrate it at home." he said and I nodded.

"Well, Luke said I needed to introduce you to christmas, so that's why I wanted to go christmas shopping with you tomorrow." he said and I nodded agreeing.

"But what kind of things do buy for eachother?" I asked and he couldn't stop smiling.

"It's like another birthday, so you can buy anything you think I'd like." he said and I nodded.

"So what would you like for christmas?" I asked making him chuckle.

"I don't know, I already have you, so I don't really need anything." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh wow Romeo, but now seriously, what do you want?" I asked but he raised his shoulders.

"I honestly don't know, maybe clothes. Ooh, I'd like some new shoes." he said making me sigh.

"This is really hard, and you do this every year?!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"Yes, every year." he said as he parked the car and got out.

He opened my door, and pulled the hat on my head down a bit more so it would cover my ears.

"Go on, get inside." Tom said as he started pushing me a little bit.

"I like snow, I love it out here." I said looking into the sky, but he quickly pulled me off the ground.

He picked me up and carried me inside, while I couldn't stop giggling.

He then softly kissed my forehead and carefully placed me onto the couch.

"Tom, what are we gonna do with my room?" I asked and he sat down by my feet.

"I don't know, let's wait before we do anything with it." he said and I sighed.

"I think I'm gonna prepare for bed, I'm exhausted." I said as I stood up from the couch.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." he said and he slid his hand past mine with a smile on his face.

I went to the bathroom and did the evening routine.

-wash makeup off
-make bun in hair
-replace lenses with glasses
-get changed into my pajamas
-wait for Tom to come and cuddle

"Darling? Are you okay with me sleeping in underwear or should I put some sweatpants on?" he asked and I smiled at him being so concerned about my comfort.

"With sweatpants, please?!" I begged making him chuckle.

"I didn't do that last night, is that an explaination for your anger last night." he said but I made a confused face.

"My what? My explianion? What was that word?" I asked making him laugh.

"Explaination, like the reason, that explains why you were mad." he said as he slid his dark grey sweatpants on.

"Ooh, thanks for that explaination." I said giggling making him smile.

He then got into the bed, he layed on his back but his head turned to me.

"I want glasses." he sighed and I chuckled.

"Oh believe me, it's terrible. I literally can't see anything." I said and he carefully grabbed my glasses of my face.

"I like them, they look cute on you, but you look even hotter without them." he said and I felt one hand on my shoulder.

"I want my glasses back, I can't see what's happening." I said as I held my hand out but my hand bumped into something.

"And that's my face." Tom mumbled as he pushed my hand away.

"Sorry, I really need my glasses." I said and he placed them onto my face, but being very careful.

"How do you spell christmas?" I asked making him laugh.

"Well, what do you think?" he asked and I sighed.

"Is it 'ch' or a 'k'?" I asked and he chuckled loudly.

"Don't make fun of me, I'm really trying!?" I exclaimed and he nodded.

"'Ch.'" he said and I nodded.

"Then I guess it is, c-h-r-i-s-m-a-s." I spelled but he shook his head.

"No, it's c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s, you forgot the 't'." he said and I sighed.

"God, I'm so bad at English." I groaned but he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"No, you're not bad at all, you can read and speak English very well, it's only the spelling that's a bit hard for you, we'll figure it out together." he wispered followed by a small kiss on my cheek.

"I'm so excited for christmas." I saix and he sighed.

"You're not supposed to pronounce the 't'." he said and I groaned.

"I hate English so f*cking much!?" I yelled making him chuckle.

"Hehehe, just shh, darling. Just shh." he wispered very softly and actually quite soothing.

I layed down on his bicep, and his arms moved around me.

"Goodnight, Tom." I said and I clicked the light off.

"Sweet dreams, Mari, love you." he replied and he kissed my cheek.

"Love you too, Thomas." I said smiling and with that we both went to sleep.

I am a secret [Tom Hiddleston]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ