Chapter 5

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"You will ruin his career, you will ruin his life!" Luke yelled and I quickly covered my ears with my hands.

"He's dead because of you, the whole world will hate you!" he yelled but I kept my hands on my ears.

"He killed himself because of you! Do you realise what you have done! You're a killer!" he yelled making me scream.

"Now let me do to you what you did to him!?" he then yelled as he pressed a gun to my forehead.

"Thomas?!" I yelled hoping for him to burst in.

"He's dead sweetheart, he won't help you here and now!" he yelled, I cried as hard as possible.

"Thomas?!" I yelled as I sat up straight in my bed with sweat pouring down my whole body.

I started crying softly letting all my emotions fall out.

"Mari?! Are you okay? What happened?" Tom asked as he walked into my room.

I ran over to him and quickly hugged him tight.

"Promise me you will never ever kill yourself." I mumbled softly and he carefully hugged me tight.

"I would never, what makes you think I would?" he asked but I just gently shook my head.

"I just don't want you to ever leave me." I mumbled but he shushed me as he rubbed my back.

"I won't leave you. I'll go get you some warm chocolate milk." he said but I grabbed his arm.

"Don't leave me." I wispered and he sighed.

"Sure." he said and he carefully picked me off the ground.

He brought me to the living room and placed me on the couch.

"Tom, I'm really sorry if I woke you up." I said but he just shook his head.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay, just try to calm down a little bit now." he said and I walked over to the kitchen.

"Was it about the conversation between you and Luke yesterday? If it is, please tell what it was about, I need to know if it makes you have nightmares." he said and I sat down on a countertop.

"I can't! But if it is indeed giving me nightmares, I should tell you." I sighed as he handed me my hot mug with hot chocolate.

"Tell me, please." he said as he sat down next to me.

"Well, Luke might have said that you had like a tiny miniscule crush on me." I said and I could see a small blush spread on his cheeks.

"And now I see your face, I don't think he was lying." I said as I took a small sip of my drink.

"Okay, if I have to be honest, I did have a crush on you, but I can promise it's over." he said but the blush on his cheeks wouldn't dissapear.

"Good, I just don't want things to get awkward between us, especially because we're going to see my parents tomorrow." I said and he nodded shyly.

"I agree." he said shortly and I nodded.

"Do you wanna watch some television until I'm finished with my hot chocolate, or do you wanna go to bed?" I asked making him grin.

"I'll go watch some television with you." he said as he walked over to the couch.

He sat down on the couch, and I sat with my back against his chest, making him grin.

"You're really warm." he mumbled as he placed one arm around my stomach.

"That doesn't really suprise me, frost giants are always ice cold." I said making him chuckle.

"I am Loki of Asgard-" he said and I couldn't help but finish the weekly sentence.

"And I am burdened with glorious purpose." I said making him raise his eyebrows.

"Not bad for a midgardian, not bad at all. I will be careful with you once I take over earth." he said and I giggled lightly.

"Loki, give Thomas back." I sighed but he made a questioning face.

"Who is this foul creature that runs by the name of 'Thomas William Hiddleston'?" he asked disgusted with a weird face.

"Well, if that Thomas won't come back... I guess the right side of my bed will stay empty for the whole night. But the almighty Loki of Asgard will never ever be allowed to go into a girl's room." I said with a pouty face.

"Tom's back! And he'd love to spend a night with a lovely girl like you." he wispered followed by a kiss on the top of my head.

"Will you carry me?" I asked and he gasped.

"What?! What the hell! What did you say?!" he exclaimed and I made a questioning face.

"Will. You. Carry. Me." I said and he chuckled.

"I thought you said 'Will you marry me?'." he said making me burst out laughing.

"That's hilarious!" I exclaimed and he nodded agreeing.

"But I will carry you, princess. You're as light as a feather." he said as he climbed off the couch and picked me up.

"My room, Thomas, not yours." I said as I placed my finger on his cheek.

"You have a pink room, I'm not sleeping in there. I will never sleep in your pink room, with your pink fluffy pillows, and all your girly stuff." he said but I raised my eyebrows.


"I hate you so much." Tom sighed as he placed his head on one of my bright pink pillows.

"You love me, I knew it, I freaking knew it." I said looking at the picture on my nightstand.

"What?" he asked confused making me sigh.

"You love me, and you didn't tell me, why?" I asked as I turned to him with the thick blanket pressed close to myself.

He sighed deeply before turning to me, and gently placing one strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't start flirting now, Thomas, remember I have 2 older brothers that you'll meet very soon." I said making him chuckle.

"I love you, it's true Mari, it's so true. And now we're laying here, together, while you know I love you." he said but he made very sure to not touch me in any way.

"I feel so sorry now. Tom, I do not love you. As a friend, yes, hell yes, you're my best friend." I said making him sigh.

"And I will accept that." he said as he turned away from me.

"Tom? Can you at least help me make it through the night, I asked you to stay here with a reason." I said but I didn't get a response from him.

I stood up from the bed, and I kneeled down in front of him in the bed.

"Hey, one day you'll find her, one day you'll find that one special girl, that will love you forever." I said but he gently shook his head.

"And I thought that I had found her." he sighed as he turned around again.

"Thomas, sit up straight." I said and he shortly hummed.

"If you love me, you do as I say." I said and he quickly sat up straight agaist the headboard of the bed.

I then sat down next to him, and I grabbed his arm so I could put it around myself.

I then snuggled into his firm shoulder, and I put my arms around him.

"Goodnight Thomas." I wispered and he chuckled lightly.

"Goodnight Mari, sweet dreams." he replied followed by a kiss on my head.

Cute, he's so cute.

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