Chapter 14

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"Hey Mari." Tom wispered, but I sighed.

I just stood up from the bed, and grabbed my glasses from the nightstand.

I walked over to the bathroom, and I first put my lenses in.

Then I did all my makeup, and after that I got dressed.

Skinny jeans with a simple black shirt, no Loki shirt today.

"Goodmorning, love." Tom said when I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello, Tom." I said shortly as I opened the fridge, looking for something to eat.

I grabbed an apple, and I sat down on the couch.

"Mari? Why are you ignoring me?" Tom asked as he sat down next to me.

"Is it something I did wrong?" he asked but I shook my head.

"No, I'm just thinking." I sighed and he grabbed my hand, but I quickly pulled it back again.

"Mari, before we were together we were so close. Now if I touch you with one finger you pull back, why?" he asked and I stood up from the couch.

"I just don't know if we should be together, maybe it's better if we just don't date, I feel uncomfortable dating you." I said, he made a questioning but sad face.

"Mari. Please tell me you're joking." he wispered, I could hear the lump in his throath.

I stayed silent, looking at a small tear escaping his eye.

"Say something." he said and his expression turned more mad.

"I can't. I don't know what to say, I think we should break up." I said and he sighed.

"You're so difficult, Mari!?" he groaned as he stood up from the couch.

"I'm difficult!? You were the one hitting your agent, and you're calling me difficult?!" I exclaimed and he calmly nodded.

"Yes, you are difficult!? One second you're all over me and then a bit later you're ignoring me!?"he yelled making m groan.

"Because you keep demanding me to love you!?" I yelled and he raised his eyebrows.

"Fine!?" He yelled and he lowered his head in front of mine.

"Fine!?" I spat back as I walked over to the door and grabbed my jacket.

"And by the way, don't call me." I said and he groaned loudly.

"Where are you going now?!" he yelled, why is he still mad?

"Daniel, he's the only person that actually cares about me." I said and I slammed the door shut.

Why? Why did we fight? What was it about?

I dialed Daniel's number on my phone, and I wiped a few tears off my cheeks.

"Hey, Mari, how's my favourite girl doing?" Daniel asked, he seemed very happy.

"Can I come over? I think I just broke up." I sniffed and I heard alot of rumbling from the phone.

"Are you at Tom's apartment?" he asked and I hummed lightly.

"Yeah, outside the apartment building." I said and I heard a long sigh coming from him.

"I'll be there in a few, wait there." he said and he then also hung the phone up.

Did I break up, after one day in a relationship with Tom? I feel terrible, but we just fought so it wouldn't be smart to keep dating him...

After two minutes Daniel arrived in his car, and he stepped out so he could hug me.

"Are you okay?" he wispered but I shook my head.

"I think I just broke up." I sniffed but he calmly rubbed my back.

"Let's go to my apartment." he said as he opened the door to the passenger seat for me.

"Why didn't I know you had a boyfriend, and how did Tom accept that, I thought he liked you too." Daniel said and I covered my face in my hands.

"Tom and I started dating yesterday evening, and we already fought." I sniffed and he made a sad face.

"But if you only fought, you're still together." he said making me sigh.

"We didn't actually break up, but I think we did, because I stormed off." I said and he nodded.

"After 2 years of knowing him, and having screen sex with him you started dating him, did you dump him or did he dump you?" he asked and I quickly wiped my cheeks.

"I actually think nobody dumped anyone. I just walked out, hoping I could have a nice day with you." I said making him smile.

"Okay, so that means I'm gonna drop you off at my apartment and get food?" he questioned and I giggled.

"Or we can get food together, what do you fancy at the moment?" he asked and I rubbed my hands evily.

"I don't know, donuts or pizza?" I asked and he grinned.

"Both!?" he yelled and I started laughing.

We first got our donuts and ate half of them in the parking lot.

"So are you celebrating christmas this year?" he asked, his mouth filled with donut.

"I don't know, last year Tom and I were too busy, and I've never celebrated christmas with like presents because we don't do that in the Netherlands." I replied and he made a shocked face.

"You've never celebrated christmas?! If Tom won't this year, I'll go buy you some things." he said making me giggle.

"Okay. Now I'm just hoping Tom and I will be together soon actually, just celebrating christmas with him would be amazing." I said and he chuckled.

"You're a total fangirl." he said and I nodded heavily.

"And very proud to be." I said but he just shook his head.

We then also got some pizza and went back to his apartment.

We there decided to watch some movies, while talking about me, Tom and christmas.

"Has he called or texted you yet?" he then asked and I grabbed my phone, which was on silent.

"Four missed calls, one text." I said as I started reading the text out loud.

I am so sorry, I was being a selfish annoying man. You were right, I was trying to go too fast, I love you too much to lose you, please call me, I wanna apologize.
And just in case you'd like to know I thought we could maybe celebrate christmas together as like a cute couple thing." I read and Daniel smiled.

"So, are you gonna call him?" Daniel asked and I nodded.

I called Tom and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Tom." I said and I heard a happy sigh coming from him.

"I'm so glad you're calling me." he said, I could just hear the happiness in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm just calling to say that I love you, and I want you to pick me up at..." I said and I looked at Daniel for advice.

"9 pm? 8pm?" Daniel said and I heard a small chuckle coming from Tom.

"I'll pick you up at 9 pm, then christmas is in two days so I thought we could do some christmas shopping tomorrow." Tom said making me smile.

"Sounds lovely, I'm gonna go now." I said hoping to get a really sweet goodbye from him.

"Okay, see you at 9, bye love." he said before hanging the phone up.

"Oh my god." I happily squeeled as I high fived him.

"You just obtained a boyfriend!" Daniel said making me giggle.

That was the beginning of a lovely day!?

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