Chapter 29

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"Wake up?! Wake up?! We gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!" Chris yelled as he jumped on the bed.

"Chris?! Oh my god, can you be a bit more..." I said and I looked at Tom.

"Respectful!?" Tom yelled as he firmly placed his head in the pillow.

"We gotta get up!?" Chris exclaimed making me groan loudly.

"Fine, but would you mind leaving me sleep in the jungle?!" I yelled making him chuckle.

"Sure." he said as he stepped of the bed.

"Okay, I suggest we just wear something suitable for the jungle but still presentable." Tom said and I nodded agreeing.


Ten hours later Team Loki was preparing to jump out of a helicopter and into a river.

"I'll go first, Mari you after me, then Tom can go last." Chris said and we all nodded agreeing.

Chris jumped out with a frontflip...

Show off.

"I-I-I don't wanna jump, I-I-I-I'm scared." I said and Tom quickly kissed my forehead.

"Chris will help you down there, it's gonna be okay, I promise." he said and I sighed.

I quickly strapped my GoPro to my headband and I looked down to see Chris signaling me to come.

I then just jumped but only to be greeted by tons of water. When I dove up two strong arms pulled me towards the shore.

"Hey, hey, hey, Mari, are you okay? Mari?!" he exclaimed and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not the best swimmer..." I sighed and he stood up from the ground.

He gave Tom tumbs up, and Tom first threw the backpack with all the supplies down for Chris to catch it.

Tom then jumped and landed safely in the water, he immediately swam towards me and pulled me off the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tom asked and I nodded softly.

"I'm. Fine." I said and I grabbed the GoPro from my headband.

"I suggest we just walk down the river, that way we always have water and fish. I'll carry a GoPro by hand, Mari on her headband, and we have one spare one. Tom, would you mind carrying the backpack?" Chris said and Tom shook his head.

"I'm okay with that, let's go. I wanna have shelter and a fire before the sun sets." Tom said as he strapped the backpack on.

We then all started walking, down the stream, Chris at the front and me in the middle because Tom insisted on walking behind me. Probably just so he could look at my butt, but okay...

After two hours of walking we decided to set up camp for the night, well, that was Chris' chore.

Luckily we had gotten flint and steel to get some fire going.

"You never told me you couldn't swim." he mumbled and I sighed.

"I can, I'm just not very good at it." I said and he nodded.

"Oh, do you maybe wanna finish the fire while I try and catch some fish for dinner?" he asked and I nodded.

I had made fire so many times as a child, when you have brothers you just can do that kind of things.

After five minutes I had already created some fire, and I was looking at the sun setting, all alone.

I have no idea for how long I've been here alone, but I do not enjoy being left alone at the side of the jungle.

The river's totally beautiful though, with rocks on the shore, but that's only four metres of shore before the thick jungle starts.

I am actually more worried about Chris, he's probably in the jungle looking for wood or something.

"Mari?! Hello?!" I heard Tom yell and I saw him running towards me.

"I got three huge fish, we're gonna have some lovely dinner tonight! ....Where's Chris? Hasn't he returned yet?" Tom asked and I sadly shook my head.

"Nope, I've been here alone for quite some time actually." I said and he started nervously pacing back and forth.

"Chris?! Chris?! Chris?!" he yelled into the jungle, no reply.

"We should go look for him, stay here." he then said and he gently pushed me down to the ground.

"Take a GoPro, I'll leave one here in case I get bitten by a snake." I said and he sighed deeply.

"Mari, you're gonna be okay out here, just promise me you won't leave." he said as he placed one hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, I wouldn't know Tom, maybe if you'd care about me for once you'd stay here." I said making him groan in frustration.

"Can't I help out our teammate? What if he's in trouble? Mari, I need to go look for him!" Tom exclaimed and I sighed.

"Go. Ahead. Then." I said in a strict voice as I sat down again.

"Will you be okay?" he asked, I raised my shoulders.

"I'll. Be. Fine." I replied, he just went off into the jungle.

What a jerk... Somedays he's a gentleman, and somedays a total jerk.

"Hey Mari, I got some wood so we can be safe off the ground! ...Where's Tom?" he asked and I gasped.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, he went looking for you! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, we need to find him." I said as I jumped off the ground.

"Let's go look for him." Chris said and I nodded.

Why must Tom always be so helpful?!

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