Chapter 13

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As the tears pooled in my eyes, I couldn't help but feel anger inside of me, stirring around in my body, ready to burst through the seams at any moment. I had been staring at the Paper for almost five minutes by now, reading and re-reading the same words over and over again. 'Hey Sasha, are you com-' Noah came up to my room walking into stand beside me, but he cut himself off when he saw what was sitting in my lap. 'Look, Sasha, we didn't mean to keep this from you for so long we just,' I cut him off again, standing up and looking at him straight in the face, 'are you kidding me right now?' he looked down at the ground, trying to avoid my death glare. 'Was this some kind of practical joke?!' I was shouting by now, 'I have been living in the same house as all of you for how long now, and you keep something like this from me? You know what Noah that is really sad. These are my parents we are talking about, they are dead, and you have kept it from me for weeks!' I screamed it in his face, I could hear footsteps and I knew that everyone was coming to watch the commotion that was oozing through the walls of my bedroom, little did they know I was just as angry at them. Tears were pooling up in my eyes as I looked at each of them individually, 'every one of you,' I paused, 'how could you keep this from me? When I didn't want to look in the box, I thought it might have been because we did something stupid and I was arrested, or maybe something that someone else did and I wouldn't be able to unsee it. But this?' I looked at the bed and put my phone down on it, none of them would be able to contact me now, I had to leave and I didn't want them to follow me. I picked up my keys, 'You guys make me sick.'

I ran down the stairs, slamming the front door behind me. I got in my car and reversed out of the drive, I didn't even get two houses away before I had to pull over, my eyes clouded over with tears. I curled up in my seat, putting my head in between my knees and letting out my tears, tears for my parents, for willow, my baby and for my life. I had gushes of water pouring down my cheeks, I was heaving, gasping for air as if it was going to disappear. I was pulling on the roots of my hair, my hands shaking, quivering in fear of my whole body falling apart. It was then that I had the realization, where is Caleb? I went to get my phone from my pocket but realized it wasn't there. I needed to know where my brother was, 'where has he gone?' 

I whispered to myself, choking on my words as they left my mouth. I got out of the car and wiped off the tears I strode back to my house and through the front door, 'Can you all please just leave?' I said without looking, knowing they were in the living room and would be waiting for me to speak, I walked up the stairs and into my room and grabbed my phone from where I had put it. I looked through my contacts until I saw his name My Little Bro and pressed the green phone button on the screen. Ring ring, ring ring, it seemed to go on forever until, 'hey it's Caleb, I'm probably of doing something awesome, so leave a message and I might get back to you, or not.' I gave myself a slight half smile, but it only let another tear slip out of my eye. I rang a few more times before deciding to leave a message. 

'Hey Caleb, I just found out that our parents are dead and you are MIA so if you could give me a call back,' I was sobbing my words, 'I would really appreciate it.' I was about to hang up when I let out the last couple of words, 'I miss you,' and ended the call. I curled up on mattress and pulled my legs up to my chest, quivering and shaking as though I was cold. I could feel my whole body shattering subconsciously, so I pulled my legs closer and gel them tighter, I felt like I was holding myself together, to keep me from breaking and crumbling into a giant mess.


I stayed in my bed for days, only leaving to occasionally get food and go to the toilet. My friends had been texting and calling every five minutes since they left, the only way I know that is from when I occasionally check my phone in case my brother has replied. 

It was 11am on a Wednesday morning, I knew that Luca, Noah, Tori and Elijah were sitting their finals this week and their graduation was going to be on Saturday, I knew that they were excited for it, but I couldn't help not joining in with their enthusiasm. While I was scrolling through my missed calls looking for Caleb's name, I got a call from Noah. I let it ring, waiting for it to go to voicemail, I placed it down on my bed and waited to see what he had to say. Beep. There was a pause at first, as though he was about to hang up, then his trembling voice started I speak. 'Sasha,' another pause, 'I miss you so much, I'm so sorry we kept it from you, it's just what we thought was best. We have graduation on Wednesday and I know that you won't want to come and see us, but we really want you to be there, it won't be the same without you Sasha,' he took a deep breath in, his breath quivering, I didn't blame him though, I had tears full on streaming down my cheeks by now. 'I lo-' BEEP. The message cut off and that's all I heard from him.

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