Chapter 10

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Noah's P.O.V

Ever since the car accident, I guess you could say, I've been a bit of an emotional wreck.  I can't even imagine how hard it must be for Elijah, his girlfriend is in a coma and we have no information on when she is going to wake up, let alone if she is going to wake up. Then there is Sasha who has lost her memory. I guess that is why I made the great decision to go and get drunk last night. While I has drunk, it was great! I could completely forget about her, not worry about her for one night, and not have a care in the world for anything or anyone. But now, I am sitting on a couch, after being showered by my best friends, because I was still too stuck up my own ass to do it myself. Plus, the smell of the bleach that they used to clean up my vomit from by floor is giving me a headache. I feel like shit and as soon as I see them I am going to have to face them and there scolding for walking out on them yesterday to do one of the worst things I could have done. I got drunk, out of everything I could have done, I could have gone to a park, or go for a drive just to clear my head, but no. I did the one thing that was part of the reason my unborn baby is dead, one of my best friends is in a coma and why my girlfriend can't remember the last however many years of her life.

Standing up off the couch, I felt terrible. My eyes went blurry temporarily, so I had to wait before I could move again. Looking at the coffee table, I saw an Advil and a glass of water, my vision still half blurred though by something covering my eyes, I hadn't even noticed it before now. I took a piece of paper off my head and read it, Gone out for the day, text us when you wake up, eat and drink what's on the table x

I did what the note instructed me to do, then I texted Luca, because I figured he would be least mad at me, Hey, the note told me to tell u when i wake up, so i'm awake! He quickly replied, i'm on my way, get dressed be ready in ten.

I was walking down the stairs, fully clothed and ready, when I heard a car tooting outside, I ran out the door and locked it behind me. When I got in the car, the first thing Luca said was, 'Why did you have to be such an idiot? Sasha needed you yesterday and what do you do? Go and get drunk? For Christs sake Noah.' He glared at me before driving off, 'look mate, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight, I just need to figure out a way to make it up to Sasha.' He handed me a single red rose, 'you are going to ask her to prom.'

'What?!' I looked at him, he was still holding the rose, 'can you please take the flower, its hard to drive like this.' I took the rose from his hand and put it on my lap. 'How am I supposed to ask her to prom? I don't even want to go to prom.' Without taking his eyes off the road he bluntly told me, 'you said you wanted to make it up to her, and this is how you are going to do it.' I got the feeling then that the conversation was over and that I really didn't have a choice. 

I guess, its not going to be that bad, only, I doubt she will actually go, after what I did last night, 'when is the prom anyway?' He looked at his watch, 'about 5 and a ½ hours.' Shit, shes never going to forgive me in that amount of time, I just groaned and threw my head against the back of my seat. 

After about five minutes of silence, we pulled up outside a small boutique type place, this is, or was Sasha's favourite shop, right outside the mall. I picked up the rose and got out of the car, worried to walk through the doors in front of me. After hesitating outside them for more than 30 seconds, I slowly walked through the doors, 'they are in the changing rooms trying on dresses and wigs and stuff, they shouldn't be long.' Luca went to sit on a couch by the changing room, I went and stood just beside the door leaning against it.

Only a couple of minutes later, a lady walked out carrying a box of what must have been wigs, I nodded my head and smiled at her, before she disappeared out of the door I had just walked through. I looked back down at my phone but my head snapped up when I heard Tori's voice coming out of the changing room, Sasha's following behind her. Her hair was styled to perfection, even though it wasn't her hair. A stunning dress, hung around her body. 

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