" I love you..." He whispered.


When Paul returned home, he stood in his sitting room, feeling lonely without his love there. He needed to not worry so much.

" Get ahold of ye self, McCartney. She gonna be fine. This week will pass in a snap." He said to comfort himself.

He needed to get out of the house and talk to the guys.


" Look, Macca. Shes gunna be fine. 'Ere, 'ave a ciggy." Said John, handing the box of cigarettes.

Paul put down the offer and propped his head on his hand." I don't want to smoke when I have Diane on my mind, John."He said.

" Do ya want to have something to eat" asked George with hungry eyes.

" No, George." Said Paul and sad tone.

" Then can WE get somethin' to eat, I'm starving!" He exclaimed while rubbing his stomach.

" But ye ate a can of beans at me house an hour ago!" Said Ringo, scratching his head.

" Yeah! An hour is quite a long time, ye know." George said nodding.


They ended up going to a restaurant near John's house.

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed dinner, especially George, but Paul didn't seem to be hungry and decide to take his food home.

He felt like something didn't feel right, and told the guys this.

" Maybe she forgot somethin'." Said Ringo.

" No... We checked everythin' before she left, and made sure she packed the clothes she needed." Replied Paul.

" Well... Then what's wrong?" Asked John. 

" I dunno..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.


Paul was lying on his couch, watching a movie. It was just an ordinary film that was on when he turned the television on. He checked his watch and saw the time.

' Half past ten...' He said in his mind.

He knew he had practice the next day, so he had shut the T.V. off and headed upstairs, to his bedroom. He did his usual nightly routine and changed into boxers and a white t-shirt. He laid in the bitter cold blankets, leaving the rest of the bed tidy.

On his night stand was her bracket that she wore all the time, but forgot. He remembered getting it for her birthday as a promise that he'd always be close to her I matter what. He clutched the jewelry tight in his palm, close to his chest.

He fell asleep about thirty minutes after...



Diane sat a round table with her colleagues, planning the project and sketching out ideas with everyone else ate.

" How is it so far?" Asked Rolin, stuffing chicken in his mouth, and flicking specks of the meat onto her paper.

She brushed off the meat, and continued working. Rolin pounded his fist in front of her, scaring her.

" I asked you a question, Diane. What are you doing?" Asked Rolin, leaning closer and closer, appearing much more intimidating than she's ever seen.

She looked up and down Rolin, scanning him with confused and furrowed brows.

" Leave her alone, Rolin. Let the girl work. We're on out break so it's only fair to leave her." Said Jackie.

Jackie was the tough cookie in Diane's group. Even though she can pack a few punches and probably commit murder, she's also a nice, creative, artistic person. Along with Bobby, the pair are perfect together. Bobby is a generally kind man with ways of controlling Jackie when she loses her temper.

Diane continued working until her timer dinged. She placed her supplies away and served herself an okay proportion. She didn't want to fill herself up with food, and then have to throw it up if she got seasick.

She finished her meal and decided to send a message in morse code, to have the people at land, receiving their messages, to send it to Paul.

She wrote about everything she did so far and how she felt. Like how she sketched out a few things and took some notes on this and that. Also about Rolin's strange behavior and the way he was approaching her.

Soon after, she got tired, got ready for bed, and laid there. The boat rocked quite okay and didn't really bother her. But, it did take her a while to sleep, for she missed Paul's warm late-night embraces. She held her pillow tight and wished she was in her own bed with Paul, before finally falling asleep.


Hello! I wanted to start writing another book, so I got inspired and came up with this piece of junk I called " Here Today", after the song Paul wrote for John.

To be honest, after hearing that song, I cried my eyes out for about two hours I think.

Sorry this chapter isn't so long, I promise longer if you guys prefer that. Thank you so much if you're actually reading my books. No...really. Thanks.

It means a lot, sorry this note is long!😁

- Nowhere_Artist

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